Attacks on Sacred Aadheenams (Temple – Monastery Complexes) by the Persecution Forces
What is an Aadheenam
An Aadheenam is a temple-monastery complex which researches, preserves and applies Santana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism) as a lifestyle for the civilization living in that era. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda actively establishes Aadheenams world over as a part of His mission to bring a “Superconscious breakthrough” to humanity. All Shaivite Aadheenams follow the Shaivite philosophy (the Hindu tradition that worships ParamaShiva, the Primordial Hindu Divinity) as prescribed by the Agamas (Hindu Source Texts directly spoken by ParamaShiva) as a premise for their administration. It is the Aadheenams that keep the whole enlightened lifestyle alive from one generation to another.
- These Aadheenams are storehouses of ancient knowledge for an enlightened lifestyle enriched by through the Guru-disciple lineage throughout history. The lifestyle is like a shell inside which the life element that is Hinduism is present. If the shell is broken, it becomes easy to throw out the life inside.
- Through these Aadheenams, various spiritual masters have administered the temple traditions and propagated the eternal cause of fulfilling the purpose human birth with “Superconscious Living”.
- These Aadheenams are living heritage sites holding divine history and spiritual energies, with repository of rich culture and true wisdom that the community has passed down through generations.
- The ancient Aadheenams (temple monasteries) represent the entire lineage of enlightened Gurus, they therefore symbolize the spiritual legitimacy of Hinduism and the spiritual authority of the present ‘living Guru’.
- By destroying the present ‘living Guru’, the local Hindu militant extremists intended to end the magnificent history of the ancient mutts and destroy the eminent future.
Destroying culture and those who value that culture are the same desacralized and dehumanizing acts. Cultural heritage is one of the basic elements of a living civilization, making the willful ethnic cleansing of precious temples and monasteries are genocidal in motivation. They are directed toward eradicating an essential part of their humanity. It’s a crime against humanity to systematically impoverish the cultural heritage of rich Indian traditions.
Why Destroy an Aadheenam (A Hindu temple-monastery complex)?
Once an Aadheenam is destroyed, the entire lifestyle it nurtures and which is practised by its community, discontinues. The ritualistic lifestyle is like the shell that protects the life element inside – that is Hinduism. Once the shell is broken, it becomes easy to throw the life element out. Further, when their Aadheenams are attacked, the Hindus lose confidence in their religion.
Aadheenams in History
It is the mission of His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam to establish this Sanatana Hindu Dharma lifestyle as a Science, and deliver it to humanity through Aadheenams. Throughout history whenever there is a superconscious breakthrough, there is always the establishment of Aadheenams. For example:
- When Devi Meenakshi (Hindu Goddess who incarnated on planet Earth) ruled the ancient 54 communities living on planet Earth in approximately 1st century CE, she and her Divine Consort Sundareshwara (embodiment of ParamaShiva), established the Madurai Aadheenam.
- In Varanasi, when ParamaShiva built the great city of Varanasi, he founded the Mahanirvani Akkhada, which is the oldest apex body of Hinduism.
- Shankaracharya, the divine embodiment of Sadashiva, established four Aadheenams in order to preserve and propagate the knowledge of the Vedas and Upanishad – Hindu Source texts.