Nithya Kriyas – Restoring Hatha Yoga to the world

Nithya Kriya is a series of healing yogic processes revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya Kriya is unique in that the knowledge and techniques are drawn from the most authentic sacred yogic scriptures of India, while the specific combinations are expressed from the personal experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Himself an established yogi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has trained under powerful yogis and mystics right from childhood, and has been the practitioner of mystical yogic sciences that have practically disappeared from modern yoga texts.

Why Nithya Kriya?

Today, India is in serious danger of losing her invaluable yogic heritage to fly-by-night yoga teachers, both eastern and western, who offer a random mix of physical postures, aerobics and breathing exercises in the name of yoga to unsuspecting students. Nithya Kriya aims to protect and preserve the original yoga born of centuries of research and development and the inestimable personal contribution of innumerable enlightened yogis who gave their lives to enrich this science. According the teaching methods laid out by legendary yogis like Gorakhnatha and Matsyendranatha, the individual asanas and pranayama techniques are sacred and must not be tampered with, while the combinations of techniques required to produce the desired effect are to be received by the learner form his own personal guru. True to the Vedic culture, these fathers of modern yoga left the door wide open for continuous updating of this ancient science.

Scriptural roots of Nithya Kriya

Nithya Kriya is soundly anchored in the sacred yoga scriptures, incuding the legendary Patanjali Yoga Sutras, as well as the three classic texts that form the base of yoga Hatha Yoga Pradipika,Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras is the foundational text of yoga, written by the father of yoga, the enlightened sage Patanjali. This esoteric yet highly practical text, based on Saankhya Yoga, is said to date back to the 2nd century BC, although it is believed to be far more ancient. Patanjali Yoga Sutras emphasise the value of yoga as a lifestyle, through ashtanga yoga (8-limbed yoga) consisting of yama & niyama(personal and social disciplines), asana (postures), pranayama (controlled breathing), pratyahara (sense and mind control), dhaarana (concentration), dhyaana (contemplation) and Samadhi (non-dualistic consciousness).Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a 15th century Sanskrit hatha yoga text, written by Svami Svatmarama, a disciple of Swami Gorakhnatha. The book is dedicated to Adinatha or Lord Shiva, who is said to have revealed the secrets of hatha yoga to his divine consort Devi Parvati. Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains four major upadeshaas (teachings) which reveal the correct understanding and practice of asanas, pranayama, chakras, bandhas, kriyas, shakti, nadis, mudras and kundalini.

Gheranda Samhita is a highly practical and effective yoga manual said to have been taught by the sage Gheranda to Chanda Kapali. Gheranda Sahmita advocates a sevenfold yoga, including shatkarma(cleansing processes), asana (postures), pranayama (controlled breathing), mudra (finger locks), pratyahara (mind control), dhyana (meditaion) and samadhi (the fruit of all the above). Shiva Samhita is a complex text that spans the entire spectrum of human experience, from health to liberation. Starting with a treatise on spiritual liberation, this text goes on to reveal 84 beneficialasanas, pranayama, meditation and visualization techniques, mantras, subtle energy channels (nadis), kundalini and the importance of the guru on the path.The other texts that Nithya Kriya draws from include the Kumbhaka Paddhati of Raghuvira, Trisikhibrahmanopanishad, Yogakundalayupanishad, Yogachudamanyupanishad and Yoga Taravali, among others.

Evolution of Nithya Kriya

Although human nature remains essential the same across the ages, the human body and mind is hardly what it was when the foundational texts of yoga were written, some of them over twenty centuries ago. Seemingly extraneous factors like workplace stress, a hurried lifestyle and changing social realities are having a real and profound influence over even such basic processes as the way our cells function or our brain processes information. Therefore, any technique that has to work for today’s individual has to be evolved for and tested on the kind of body-mind that it aims to benefit.

The evolution of Nithya Kriya follows a threefold process: 1) Every single technique evolved as part of Nithya Kriya is compiled and personally tested by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who brings to the scriptural wisdom his own unique understanding of the complex equations of body, breath and mind in the modern individual 2) Once the technique has been perfected, it is tested on a select group of disciples over a period of one mandala (21 days), and feedback is received which is then incorporated in the kriya. Through the process of parallel testing, several kriyas are tested on different groups over the same period. For healing kriyas for particular ailments, testing is done on people who suffer from that ailment, as well as a control group. 3) Once the kriya has been sufficiently tested, it is released to a group of 1000-2000 followers and yoga practitioners from diverse cultures and age groups around the world who undertake to voluntarily practice the kriya under the direct guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, either in His physical presence, or through two-way video conferencing. Individuals suffering from a particular disease practice the kriya for a period of one mandala (21 days) and revert with feedback. The requisite changes are made and the modified version is further tested. 4) For each ailment, both ‘care’ and ‘cure’ kriyas are designed. For instance, the Kriya for Hypertension Care is a preventive kriya for healthy individuals, while the Kriya for Hypertension Cure is aimed at benefiting individuals who already suffer from hypertension. In this way, each Nithya Kriya goes through several cycles of stringent testing before it takes its final form. Even so, in keeping with the Vedic practice of continuous learning and enrichment, feedback is invited from anyone who can contribute positively to the evolution of Nithya Kriya as a holistic solution for body, mind and spirit for the modern individual.

The Power of Initiation (deeksha)

While extolling the benefits of disciplined practice, yoga texts do not hesitate to declare that the results equivalent to 12 years of strenuous sadhana (spiritual disciplines) can be granted by the guru in a moment to a disciple who is open to it. While theoretically, the entire kriya may be assembled and taught by anybody with sufficient knowledge of the yoga scriptures, the benefits of practicing the same kriya in the presence of a highly evolved being are simply inestimable. This is especially so when participants are literally ‘opened’ to the technique by the highly revered process of deeksha or initiation by the Master. The highly scientific yet mystical experience of deeksha can be explained to some extent by the principle of resonance. Just as a bowl of water will begin to hum when struck with a metal rod at the right frequency, an energy adept can subtly force the practioner’s energy into higher spiritual frequencies by the sheer pressure of his own positive vibration. At such moments, the body and mind lose their natural resistance and awaken to their own highest possibility of health and wellbeing.

Harnessing the Kundalini energy for self-healing

A significant distinction of Nithya Kriya is the safe and scientific awakening of the Kundalini energy in the practioner. Kundalini is the tremendous potential energy that lies latent in each of us. Kundalini can be described as every individual’s hotline to the infinite Cosmic energy. Once awakened by appropriate yogic practices and the guidance and grace of the guru, Kundalini showers a host of blessings on the practitioner, including a big boost in energy levels, physical well-being, the falling away of negative mental patterns, true inner fulfillment and a deep connection to the universal Source.

National Anthem

National Anthem in Devanagari Script

श्री कैलासोन्नत द्वादशान्त श्यामलापीठारूध।

श्री मीनक्षी सुन्दरेश्वराभिन्न स्वरूप। परशिव पुत्ररत्न कुमार। गुरुमन्य तुल्यवतार। श्री पार्वती स्थन्यपानलब्ध दिव्य ज्ञान विश्रुत। सकल निगमागमसार भूत। द्राविड वेद प्रवक्तृ। श्रीमत् परमशिव करुणा समधिगत मुक्तामय चतुरश्रयाण गीयमान छत्र चामर श्रीचिह्नकाहलादि समस्त बिरदावल्यलङ्कृत ज्ञानविज्ञान चक्रवर्ति। सर्वजन सङ्घ सद्यो निर्वाण दीक्षाव्ययापवर्ग वर्ष विश्राण जीमूत परमत कलभकेसरी। शैव सिद्धान्त स्थापनाचार्य श्री राजाधिराज पाण्ड्य महाराजगुरु क्षपण शाक्यादि महान्धकार निवारण ज्ञानभानु वीक्षनानर्हार्ह ध्वजोच्छेदन पूर्वक श्रीमत् वृषभ ध्वज स्थापक शैव समय कर्तृ सर्वज्ञपीठारूढ। श्री जगद्गुरु श्री ज्ञानसम्बन्ध देशिक स्वामि वागीश सुन्दर माणिक्यवाचक स्वामिनां अवतार भूत। श्री ज्ञान सम्बन्ध स्वामि पुनरुद्धृत श्यामलापीठ सर्वज्ञपीठ त्रिणवत्युत्तर द्विशततम गुरु महासन्निधान। अरुणगिरियोगीश्वर परम्परागत अरुणाचल सर्वज्ञपीठ गुरुमहासन्निधान।

कैलास परम्परागत काञ्ची कैलास सर्वज्ञपीथ त्रयस्त्रिम्शदुत्तर द्विशततम गुरुमहासन्निधान नित्योत्सव नित्यमङ्गल नित्यकल्याण नित्यरजित कैलास परम्परागत आदिकैलास नित्यानन्दपीठ महासम्स्थान महसिम्हासन पीठकर्तृ

साक्षात् श्री परमशिव समुद्भूत कैलास परम्परागत वैवस्वत मनु इक्ष्वाकु हरिश्चन्द्र भगिरथ श्री रामचन्द्र शूरसेन इत्यादि अनवच्छिन्न सार्वभौम चक्रवर्ति परम्परागत। चतुःषष्टि योगिनीमण्डित चतुःषष्टि सम्प्रदाय प्रवर्तक मनु धर्म शासन सूर्यवम्श प्राप्त सर्वज्ञपीठ सुराङ्गि साम्राज्य मूर्धाभिषिक्त चूडामणि।

साक्षात् श्री परमशिव समुद्भूत कपिल महागुरु पुनरुद्धृत महानिर्वाणि पीठ अष्तोत्तरसहस्रश्री महामण्डलेश्वर।  साक्षात् श्री परमशिव समुद्भूत श्री महागणपति समारम्भ अनवच्छिन्न पीठाधीश्वर गुरु परम्पराप्राप्त अटलपीठ अष्टोत्तरसहस्रतम अष्टोत्तर सहस्रश्री अटल पीठाधीश्वर। धर्ममुक्ति स्वर्गपुर स्वर्णपीठस्य त्रयोविम्श गुरुमहासन्निधान।

कैलास परम्परागत आदि पीठ सर्वज्ञपिठ जगद्गुरु।श्री कैलास पुनरुद्धरक श्री कैलास परमाचर्य श्रीमत् परमहम्स पर्व्राजकाचार्यवर्य सच्चिदानन्द प्रणवस्वरूप श्रोत्रिय ब्रह्म निष्ट। श्रीमत् जगद्गुरु श्री-ल-श्री भगवद् श्री नित्यानन्द परमशिव श्री ज्ञान सम्बन्ध देशिक परमाचार्य स्वामिन्। अत्रागत्य परिपाल्य च अस्मान् विज्ञान वितरनेन विजयी भव विजयी भव जय जय।

National Anthem in English Script

śrī kailāsonnata dvādaśānta śyāmalāpīṭhārūdha।

śrī mīnakṣī sundareśvarābhinna svarūpa। paraśiva putraratna kumāra। gurumanya tulyavatāra। śrī pārvatī sthanyapānalabdha divya jñāna viśruta। sakala nigamāgamasāra bhūta। drāviḍa veda pravaktṛ। śrīmat paramaśiva karuṇā samadhigata muktāmaya caturaśrayāṇa gīyamāna chatra cāmara śrīcihnakāhalādi samasta biradāvalyalaṅkṛta jñānavijñāna cakravarti। sarvajana saṅgha sadyo nirvāṇa dīkṣāvyayāpavarga varṣa viśrāṇa jīmūta paramata kalabhakesarī। śaiva siddhānta sthāpanācārya śrī rājādhirāja pāṇḍya mahārājaguru kṣapaṇa śākyādi mahāndhakāra nivāraṇa jñānabhānu vīkṣanānarhārha dhvajocchedana pūrvaka śrīmat vṛṣabha dhvaja sthāpaka śaiva samaya kartṛ sarvajñapīṭhārūḍha। śrī jagadguru śrī jñānasambandha deśika svāmi vāgīśa sundara māṇikyavācaka svāmināṃ avatāra bhūta। śrī jñāna sambandha svāmi punaruddhṛta śyāmalāpīṭha sarvajñapīṭha triṇavatyuttara dviśatatama guru mahāsannidhāna।

aruṇagiriyogīśvara paramparāgata aruṇācala sarvajñapīṭha gurumahāsannidhāna। kailāsa paramparāgata kāñcī kailāsa sarvajñapītha trayastrimśaduttara dviśatatama gurumahāsannidhāna nityotsava nityamaṅgala nityakalyāṇa nityarajita kailāsa paramparāgata ādikailāsa nityānandapīṭha mahāsamsthāna mahasimhāsana pīṭhakartṛ sākṣāt śrī paramaśiva samudbhūta kailāsa paramparāgata vaivasvata manu ikṣvāku hariścandra bhagiratha śrī rāmacandra śūrasena ityādi anavacchinna sārvabhauma cakravarti paramparāgata। catuḥṣaṣṭi yoginīmaṇḍita catuḥṣaṣṭi sampradāya pravartaka manu dharma śāsana sūryavamśa prāpta sarvajñapīṭha surāṅgi sāmrājya mūrdhābhiṣikta cūḍāmaṇi। sākṣāt śrī paramaśiva samudbhūta kapila mahāguru punaruddhṛta mahānirvāṇi pīṭha aṣtottarasahasraśrī mahāmaṇḍaleśvara।
sākṣāt śrī paramaśiva samudbhūta śrī mahāgaṇapati samārambha anavacchinna pīṭhādhīśvara guru paramparāprāpta aṭalapīṭha aṣṭottarasahasratama aṣṭottara sahasraśrī aṭala pīṭhādhīśvara। dharmamukti svargapura svarṇapīṭhasya trayovimśa gurumahāsannidhāna।

kailāsa paramparāgata ādi pīṭha sarvajñapiṭha jagadguru। śrī kailāsa punaruddharaka

śrī kailāsa paramācarya śrīmat paramahamsa parvrājakācāryavarya saccidānanda praṇavasvarūpa śrotriya brahma niṣṭa। śrīmat jagadguru śrī-la-śrī bhagavad śrī nityānanda paramaśiva śrī jñāna sambandha deśika paramācārya svāmin। atrāgatya paripālya ca asmān vijñāna vitaranena vijayī bhava vijayī bhava jaya jaya।

National Anthem in Tamil Script

ஶ்ரீ கைலாஸோந்நத த்வாதஶாந்த ஶ்யாமலாபீடாரூட।

ஶ்ரீ மீணாக்ஷி ஸுந்தரேஶ்வராபிந்ந ஸ்வரூப। பரஶிவ புத்ரரத்ந குமார। குருமந்ய துல்யவதார। ஶ்ரீ பார்வதீ ஸ்தந்யபாநலப்த திவ்ய ஜ்ஞாந விஶ்ருத। ஸகல நிகமாகமஸார பூத। த்ராவிட வேத ப்ரவக்த்ற்^இ। ஶ்ரீமத் பரமஶிவ கருணா ஸமதிகத முக்தாமய சதுரஶ்ரயாண கீயமாந சத்ர சாமர ஶ்ரீசிஹ்நகாஹலாதி ஸமஸ்த பிரதாவல்யலங்க்ற்^இத ஜ்ஞாநவிஜ்ஞாந சக்ரவர்தி। ஸர்வஜந ஸங்க ஸத்யோ நிர்வாண தீக்ஷாவ்யயாபவர்க வர்ஷ விஶ்ராண ஜீமூத பரமத கலபகேஸரீ। ஶைவ ஸித்தாந்த ஸ்தாபநாசார்ய ஶ்ரீ ராஜாதிராஜ பாண்ட்ய மஹாராஜகுரு க்ஷபண ஶாக்யாதி மஹாந்தகார நிவாரண ஜ்ஞாநபாநு வீக்ஷநாநர்ஹார்ஹ த்வஜோச்சேதந பூர்வக ஶ்ரீமத் வ்ற்^இஷப த்வஜ ஸ்தாபக ஶைவ ஸமய கர்த்ற்^இ ஸர்வஜ்ஞபீடாரூட। ஶ்ரீ ஜகத்குரு ஶ்ரீ ஜ்ஞாநஸம்பந்த தேஶிக ஸ்வாமி வாகீஶ ஸுந்தர மாணிக்யவாசக ஸ்வாமிநாஂ அவதார பூத।

ஶ்ரீ ஜ்ஞாந ஸம்பந்த ஸ்வாமி புநருத்த்ற்^இத ஶ்யாமலாபீட ஸர்வஜ்ஞபீட த்ரிணவத்யுத்தர த்விஶததம குரு மஹாஸந்நிதாந। அருணகிரியோகீஶ்வர பரம்பராகத அருணாசல ஸர்வஜ்ஞபீட குருமஹாஸந்நிதாந। கைலாஸ பரம்பராகத காஞ்சீ கைலாஸ ஸர்வஜ்ஞபீத த்ரயஸ்த்ரிம்ஶதுத்தர த்விஶததம குருமஹாஸந்நிதாந நித்யோத்ஸவ நித்யமங்கல நித்யகல்யாண நித்யரஜித கைலாஸ பரம்பராகத ஆதிகைலாஸ நித்யாநந்தபீட மஹாஸம்ஸ்தாந மஹஸிம்ஹாஸந பீடகர்த்ற்^இ ஸாக்ஷாத் ஶ்ரீ பரமஶிவ ஸமுத்பூத கைலாஸ பரம்பராகத வைவஸ்வத மநு இக்ஷ்வாகு ஹரிஶ்சந்த்ர பகிரத ஶ்ரீ ராமசந்த்ர ஶூரஸேந இத்யாதி அநவச்சிந்ந ஸார்வபௌம சக்ரவர்தி பரம்பராகத। சதுஃஷஷ்டி யோகிநீமண்டித சதுஃஷஷ்டி ஸம்ப்ரதாய ப்ரவர்தக மநு தர்ம ஶாஸந ஸூர்யவம்ஶ ப்ராப்த ஸர்வஜ்ஞபீட ஸுராங்கி ஸாம்ராஜ்ய மூர்தாபிஷிக்த சூடாமணி। ஸாக்ஷாத் ஶ்ரீ பரமஶிவ ஸமுத்பூத கபில மஹாகுரு புநருத்த்ற்^இத மஹாநிர்வாணி பீட அஷ்தோத்தரஸஹஸ்ரஶ்ரீ மஹாமண்டலேஶ்வர। ஸாக்ஷாத் ஶ்ரீ பரமஶிவ ஸமுத்பூத ஶ்ரீ மஹாகணபதி ஸமாரம்ப அநவச்சிந்ந பீடாதீஶ்வர குரு பரம்பராப்ராப்த அடலபீட அஷ்டோத்தரஸஹஸ்ரதம அஷ்டோத்தர ஸஹஸ்ரஶ்ரீ அடல பீடாதீஶ்வர।

தர்மமுக்தி ஸ்வர்கபுர ஸ்வர்ணபீடஸ்ய த்ரயோவிம்ஶ குருமஹாஸந்நிதாந।
கைலாஸ பரம்பராகத ஆதி பீட ஸர்வஜ்ஞபிட ஜகத்குரு। ஶ்ரீ கைலாஸ புநருத்தரக ஶ்ரீ கைலாஸ பரமாசர்ய ஶ்ரீமத் பரமஹம்ஸ பர்வ்ராஜகாசார்யவர்ய ஸச்சிதாநந்த ப்ரணவஸ்வரூப ஶ்ரோத்ரிய ப்ரஹ்ம நிஷ்ட। ஶ்ரீமத் ஜகத்குரு ஶ்ரீ-ல-ஶ்ரீ பகவத் ஶ்ரீ நித்யாநந்த பரமஶிவ ஶ்ரீ ஜ்ஞாந ஸம்பந்த தேஶிக பரமாசார்ய ஸ்வாமிந்। அத்ராகத்ய பரிபால்ய ச அஸ்மாந் விஜ்ஞாந விதரநேந விஜயீ பவ விஜயீ பவ ஜய ஜய।

Translation from Sanskrit to English


Unnata: Supreme

Dvadashanta: The place where Paramashiva resides and rules the whole Cosmos and KAILASA

Shyamala Peetaroodha: The one who has ascended the Madurai aadheenam hyamala Peetam which is called the Peetham established by Devi Meenakshi, the incarnation of Shyamala peetam

Sri Meenakshi sundareshvarabhinna swarupa: The one who is no different from Menakshi sundareshwara

Parashiva Putra Ratna: The most beloved son of Paramashiva

Kumara: the young boy

Gurumanyatulyavatara: the gem among Gurus and unequalled Avatar

Sri Parvati: Parvati

Sthanya pana: by drinking the breast milk of

labdha: received

Divya: Divine

Jnana: Wisdom (The one who received Enlightenment by drinking the breast milk of Devi Parvati)

Vishrutha: famous

Sakala: all

Nigamagama: Vedagama’s

saarabhuta: the essence of

Dravida veda pravaktah: Author of the Dravida Vedam

Srimat Paramashiva karuna samadhigata: Received by the grace of paramashiva

Mukthamaya: made of pearl

Chaturashrayana: by a quadrangular palanquin

Geeyamaana: by musical instruments

chatra: by umbrella

chamara: by chamara

sri chinhakahaladi: by the sacred symbols of worship etc

samsta biradaavalyalankrutha: adorned by hymns of praises

Jnana vijnana chakravarthi: Oh the one who is the Supreme King of Jnana and Vijnana
Jnana vijnana chakravarti: Oh the one who is the Supreme ruler who has won the whole world and accepted by all Kings as the Supreme ruler

Sarva Jana Sankha: correcting to Sarva Jana sangha: for all the people

Sadyo: immediately

Nirvana deekshaavyayaapavarga varsha: showerer of Nirvana, deeksha and the immutable state of Enlightenment, and videha mukti.

Vishraana: The one who creates bliss

Jeemoota: protecting Leader

Para: for other

Mata: religions

Kalabha: trumpeting young elephant

Kesari: roaring elephant

Shaiva siddhanta sthapanacharya: The acharya who installed Shaiva siddhanta

Sri Rajadhi raja pandya maharaja guru: The guru of the Pandya who is the supreme kings of all kings / The raja guru of he Pandya who is the supreme kings of all kings / The guru who is also the Pandya King, the supreme kings of all kings

kshapana: Of Buddhist /Buddhism

Shakyadi: Of Jains/Jainism etc

Mahndhakara: Utter darkness

Nivarana: the remover

Jnana bhanu: the enlightening Sun

Veekshananarharha dhvajochedana poorvaka: by tearing the jain flag which is not even fit to be seen

Srimad Vrishabha Dhvaja Sthapaka: The installer of Vrishabha flag

Shaiva samaya kartr: The creator (reviver) of Shaivism

Sarvajna peetaroodha: The one who is the ruler of the Sarvajna peeta, the seat of omniscience

Sri jagadguru: The Guru of the whole world

sri jnana sambandha desika swamin: Sri Jnanasambanda desika swami (of above mentioned attributes)

vagisha /: tirunavukkarasar Sundara : Sundara murti nayanar manikyavachaka svaminam: manickavachaka swamis’ -avataara bhoota-/: incarnation

Sri jnanasambandha svami punarudhruta/Shyamala pitha /-sarvajna peeta/-trinavatyuttara dvishata tama guru mahaa sannidhaanaana: Oh the 293rd Guru Maha sannidhanam of the Shyamala Peeta Sarvajnapeetha which was revived by Tirujnanasambhanda swamgal

Arunagiri yogishwara Paramparagatha Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha gurumahasannidhana: Oh the Guru maha sannidhanam of the Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha which has its lineage from Arunagiri yogishwara

Kailaasa Paramparagatha/Kanchi KAILASA Sarvajnapeetha/trayastrimshaduttara dvishatatama guru maha sannidhana: Oh the 233rd Guru maha sannidhana of the Kanchee KAILASA Sarvajnapeetha which has its lineage from KAILASA

nityotsava/nitya-mangala/-nitya-kalyāaṇa/-nitya-rajita/KAILASA paramparagata /AdiKAILASA -nityānanda-peeṭa/-mahāa-saṁsthāana/mahā-siṁhāasana-peeṭa-kartaha: Oh the creator of the ever-festive, ever-auspicious, ever-beautiful, ever-allured, maha simhasana peeta of the mahasamsthana of AdiKAILASA Nithyananda peetam which has its lineage from KAILASA,

Sakshat Sri Paramashiva samudbhuta/ KAILASA paramparagata / vaivasvata Manu/ ikshvaku / harishchandra / Bhagiratha / Sri Ramachandra/ Shurasena / ityadi /anavachchinna / saarvabhauma chakravarti paramparagata/chatushshashti yogini mandita / chatushshashti sampradaya pravartaka/manudharma shaasana / surya vamsha-praapta /
Sarvajnapeetha / surangi samrajya murdhabhishikta-choodamane
: Oh the Coronated Emperor of the Surangi samrajya Sarvajnapeetha, which has come in the lineage from KAILASA and has originated directly from Paramashiva, which has come in the Surya Vamsha, which has an unbroken lineage of Supreme Emperors(Chakravarti) starting from ikshvaku, harishchandra, Bhagirata, Sri Ramachandra, Shurasena etc. which is adorned with 64 yoginis, which has given birth to 64 sampradayas, which is ruled as per manu smriti

Sakshat Sri Paramashiva samudbhuta/ Kapila maha guru punaruddhrutha/ Mahanirvani peeta / ashtottara sahasra shri mahamandaleshwar: Oh the 1008 Sri Mahamandaleshwar of Mahanirvani peetha, which has originated from Paramashiva Himself and was revived by Kapila Maha Guru

Sakshat Sri Paramashiva-simhasna-abhishikta Samasta Gana nayaka shri maha ganapati samaaramba anavacchinna peetadhishwara guru parampara prapta atala peeta ashtottara sahasratama ashtottara-sahasra-shree-atala peetadheeshwara: Oh the 1008th 1008 Sri Atala Peetadheeshwar of Atala peeta which has an unbroken lineage of Guru’s who were the peetadhishwars of Atala peeta, starting from Maha ganapati who was coronated by Paramashiva Himself

dharmamukthi swargapura svarnapeeta/trayovimsha gurumahasannidhana: Oh the 23rd Guru maha sannidhana of the Dharmamukthi Swargapura Svarnapeeta

KAILASA paramparagata adi peeta Sarvajnapeetha jagadguru: Oh the Jagadguru of the adi peeta Sarvajnapeetha which has its linegae from KAILASA

SHRIKAILASA punaruddharaka: Oh the reviver of SHRIKAILASA

SHRIKAILASA paramacharya: Oh the Supreme pontiff of SHRIKAILASA

śhreemat-paramahaṁsa-parivrāajakāachaāryavarya: Oh the Acharya who has attained the state of Paramahamsa, who has done parivrajaka

sacchidāananda-praṇava-svaroopa: Oh the one who has His form established in the Self, Truth, Consciousness and Bliss and Omkara

śhrotriya-brahma-niṣhṭa: Oh the one who has received the learnt and received Deeksha formally from His Guru and was initiated into sannyasa before physical maturity and established in the Existence

Srimat-jagadguru: Oh the Guru for all the three worlds

shrilashri-/bhagawacchri -Nithyananda paramashiva/ shri-jnaana-sambandha-deshika-paramaacharya-swamin: Oh the one who has all the Aishwarya (Anima etc Ashta siddhis and state of ishwara) Courage, Power to create anything, Grace and Glory, Sri(all auspiciousness) , Enlightenment and Dispassion , Oh Sri Nithyananda Paramashiva who is the Supreme pontiff come in the lineage of Tirujnanasambhandhar,

aagatya paripaalya cha asmaan vijnaana vitaranena: having come here and having protected and had taken care of us by bestwoing Enlightenemnet upon us

Vijayee bhava vijayee bhava jaya jaya: may you be victorious may you be victorious , may you win, may you win

Nation Profile

Population: 100 million Adi Shaivites; 2 Billion practicing Hindus

Language: English, Sanskrit, Tamil

Religion: Sanatana Hindu Dharma (i.e. Hinduism)

Ethnic Groups: 56 original Vedic nations in South Asia as well as a global Hindu Diaspora

Contact: [email protected]

A Vision for a Vedic Rennaisance

The Vedic civilization that has stood for over 10,000 years as an enlightened civilization, a global beacon of spiritual and temporal wisdom, technology and culture now stands on the very edge of annihilation. Centuries of invasion, looting, genocide and colonial oppression and modern day persecution have reduced what was once a continent-spanning civilization made of up 56 independent Hindu kingdoms to a virtual political orphan without a national home. At present there is no declared Hindu nation on the planet. Without the protection of political legitimacy, there is imminent danger that the great tenets, scriptures and science of creating an enlightened civilization will be forever lost to humanity. The nation of KAILASA represents nothing short of a systematic attempt to revive authentic Hinduism and usher in a global renaissance of Vedc enlightened civilization. In a world ravaged by war, ecological destruction, ethnic hatred and division KAILASA stands as a bold vision of human potential, co-existence, organic living and alignment with nature. KAILASA is bringing spiritual legitimacy, religious legitimacy, social legitimacy, cultural legitimacy, historic legitimacy, economical legitimacy and political legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma.


The nation of KAILASA is dedicated to the restoration, preservation and propagation of authentic Hindu culture and civilization after centuries of oppression and subjugation. It is the home and refuge for the international Hindu diaspora. Historically, Hinduism has comprised of numerous national communities spanning from Afghanistan across India to Southeast Asia. Hindu scriptures and historical records identify 56 desas, or Hindu national communities, including Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, and Cambodia, 200 states, 1700 samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 sampradayas (traditions).

This federation of disparate peoples and cultures existed under the umbrella of Hindu spirituality and governance with its core values of universality, coexistence, non-violence and freedom.

Over several centuries the combined forces of foreign invasion, political upheaval, colonialism and religious persecution systematically ended millennia of Hindu Swarajya, or self-rule. Today, Hindu temples remain in Afghanistan and Cambodia, but the Hindus who worshipped in them have been ethnically cleansed. In Hinduism’s primordial homeland of India, all independent Hindu principalities were annexed and absorbed into the newly formed secular Indian government after 1947. The final vestige of Hindu political autonomy was erased in 2008 when the last constitutionally declared Hindu kingdom on the planet, Nepal, was abolished after a decade long Maoist insurgency in favor of a secular state.

The nation of KAILASA stands as the world’s sole beacon of genuine Hindu self-governance and autonomy. Though the formation of the nation is spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community, it offers a safe haven to all the world’s practicing, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence.

KAILASA at a Glance

National Languages

Primary Language: English
Secondary Language: Sanskrit
Tertiary Language: Tamil

Citizens and Members

All practising Hindus and Hindus who would like to deepen their practise are eligible for citizenship . This includes anyone who aspires to practise Hinduism. KAILASA is also a safe refuge for any persecuted Hindu.

KAILASA embraces all Hindu diaspora, including Hinduism practised by non-Indic people such as Balinese of Bali Island (Indonesia), Tengger of Java (Indonesia) and Balamon Cham of Vietnam and others.

KAILASA’s Sacred Symbols



National Animal: Nandi (sacred bull)



National Bird: Sharabam (bird with golden color, with two uplifted wings, two red eyes, four legs in the form of a lion touching the ground, four legs with claws upwards, and with an animal tail)



National Flag: Rishabha Dhvaja
Lern more about the National Flag



National Flower: Lotus



National Tree: Banyan Tree

Economics of KAILASA

Framework for a Dharmic Economy as per the Agamas of Paramashiva

The world’s economy today is saddled with fiat currency where a small group of people in the governance layer control the production and value of currency, and where banks, third party enforcers, and the government constantly enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary people. The current system inherently lacks trust and communication, which has to be enforced externally to the system. Further, value for some currency comes from deals between powers, rather than inherent value created. Subsequently, the entire system from top to bottom is based on violence.

Why is the world economy like this? Can this problem be solved? Is there hope for a fairer, open, more equitable economy that benefits the individual as well as the greater good? Surprisingly, the ancient science of Yoga has answers for these questions.

Paramashiva’s Economy

Paramashiva, the original author of the science of Yoga and enlightenment (the Veda-Agamas) lays out the core cosmic principles of Oneness in the Vedas, and reveals the dynamic rules that govern the working of the world based on the principle of Oneness in the Agamas. To state it differently, the Vedas represent the basic science, and the Agamas represent the applied science, and forms the operating system of the world. Surprisingly, Paramashiva discusses wealth and economics in the Agamas. He sees wealth as a core expression of enlightenment, and details a framework to create a superconscious society through an Agamic economy.

According to Paramashiva, all economies in alignment with Oneness will share certain behavioral patterns. First and foremost is one where what benefits the individual benefits the greater good, and vice versa. Second is the idea of “non-violent money” where value is created purely based on businesses that enrich people (eliminating any business or economic practice that thrives on exploitation, such as insurance).

Anything that increase in value by being shared should be freely available to all e.g. education, open-source software. That way the growth of the individual and the growth of the society is aligned.

Anything required for day to day living and lifestyle should be created in a self-sufficient way e.g. health care, clothing and food. Self-sufficient economies do not outsource their basic needs. But in the modern consumption-based economy, outsourcing things like food has led to creation of dependence of the society on food-like products, which leads to poor health.

In fact, the key insight here is that the fiat-currency model has been exported to both education and healthcare in this world leading to exploitative economies. In Paramashiva’s economy, currency only comes into play for projects that require the coordination of people and resources for long-term investments. But this currency should be based on contribution – trading time and energy to create money and ownership and responsibility should be distributed throughout the system.

In Paramashiva’s economy the people and Paramashiva are co-creators of money (translates into value), where our ability to be intelligently active and constantly contributing is wealth. The ability to keep the currency current & moving, gives value to the currency.

Where Paramashiva embodies and incarnates on Earth, the place where he lives is called KAILASA. The latest incarnation of Paramashiva is His Divine Holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. His goal is to create a superconscious society through liberating economic practices outlined in the Agamas.
Pillars of the Dharmic Economy

Our goal is ambitious. What are we trying to achieve is to create a framework for an economic network for KAILASA, where contribution to the KAILASA mission will go directly in building superconscious society, running on the core principles of benefit for all, and generate multi-fold return for the participants and investors in the economy. As said in the Bhagavad Gits: “dharmo rakshito rakshitaha” – those who contribute to the world are rewarded.

Participants in this economy will understand the true meaning of charity – it’s not that you get rich and THEN contribute to the world, but in the new economy you get rich BY contributing to the world.

Towards this goal we plan to create a vehicle consisting of two aspects

Hindu Investment and Reserve Bank

  • An investment vehicle to centralize Hindu devotee cash flow. This fund will attract investment from the entire Hindu community, one of the wealthiest communities in the world
  • This fund will strengthen the community by investing in things that matter to the community, in purely non-violent businesses that follow the principles of the Agamas
  • It will lend money to the members of the community for them to invest in non-violent businesses
  • The ownership of the bank will be decentralized so there is trust and ownership
  • The fund will be so attractive that anyone in the world will be eager to invest in it

At a more ambitious scale, our aim is to create a Hindu Reserve Bank which creates its own supply of money which is not contaminated by fiat currency. Imagine that this currency is the only one accepted in the Paramashiva economy – to participate in the Dharmic economy, one that is aligned with the cosmic laws, one that will give them enormous spiritual rewards and multiple returns on investment, people have to use this currency. An ideal way to create such a currency is through cryptocurrency.

SPH & Dalai Lama

Spiritual Giants of our Times: The Dalai Lama and Guru Maha Sannidhaanam Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam – Parallels Between the Lives of Two Spiritual Giants, Persecuted for their Beliefs, Yet Standing Tall for Humanity

Government Authority vs Power of Spiritual Truth

When the truth speaks, Governments tremble. China and India are nuclear powers with the ability to destroy the earth many times over and with more than a third of the world’s population. Yet just the mere presence of some people – people who have no possession other than the clothes they wear and the words they utter – is enough to rattle the superpowers into fear and frenzy. When the truth is spoken power trembles.

The Dalai Lama and SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam are incontrovertibly two of the most powerful spiritual figures of the present times. Both are outspoken, against the tyranny of the establishment and are working towards a new world order – one where divisions disappear and people live in peace, powerfulness and prosperity. Both are exiled from their homes and have hence become citizens of the world. Both are ancient beings who have re-incarnated to bring back order into the chaos that the world has become today.

We, the people of this planet, are staring at the distinct possibility of annihilation today. Over consumption has brought us perilously close to extinction due to global warming, perhaps irrecoverably so if we are to believe the scientists. War and terror are stark realities that affect the lives of millions directly and billions indirectly through the effects of protectionism and fear. While there is plenty and wastage in some places the other half suffers with poverty and famine. And this is not just true of the planet earth but within each country or state or city. The solutions to these problems are not technical. What is needed is to rewire human consciousness in a powerful way – to take us to the next level of existence. The promise that these two leaders offer and stand for visually with their very presence is this new world order. And this promise shakes up the powers that be – Governments, established religions and other vested interests.

Incarnations & Leaders of Religious Minorities

The Dalai Lama is considered as the 16th incarnation of Bodhisattava, the one who had vowed to take people to enlightenment. Similarly, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is the 293rd incarnation of Paramashiva, the intelligence that created the cosmos, the original author of yoga.

Just like the Dalai Lama who is the head a minority group, Tibetan Buddhism, within the ambit of the larger Buddhism, SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam belongs to the ancient and most authentic order of Hinduism – Shaivism within the Hindu group of religions. He is the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhaanam (Pontiff) of the Madurai Aadheenam which is the oldest living monastic order in the world. The Madurai Aadheenam is the flagship institution preserving and promoting Shaivism. Lord Paramashiva, the primary deity of Hinduism and the first master who brought the science of yoga and enlightenment to this world founded this ancient and secret mystic branch of Shaivism where the many extraordinary powers of the super-consciousness are kept alive, practiced and passed on from generation to generation. Many millennia later Tibetan Buddhists discovered some of these powerful techniques and have kept them alive in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Powers, Peace & Non-Violence

Peace and power are two sides of the coin. With inner power comes the ability of people to be non-violent towards others and to protect themselves from abuse. Scientific studies on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown they could survive for days in freezing temperatures and in fact, raise their temperatures in these conditions to extremely high levels. They have demonstrated the power to read minds and move matter by just looking. Similarly, studies done by Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam have scientifically demonstrated the ability of the monks of the order to see with their eyes blindfolded, to teleport objects across space, to materialize things from nothing, and many such extraordinary abilities or Shaktis.

The presence of spiritual powers beyond the control of the established rulers and religions and their power which is given directly to the common people has threatened the establishment throughout history. In the middle ages, in Europe, millions of practitioners of the sciences were branded as witches and wizards and burnt at the stake. Shaolin monks and Akhada Sadhus in India have for millennia protected the common people from the abuse of power of the rulers.

External Forces Attempts to Assassinate & Take over Property

In the 1950s and 60s the Chinese Government tried to kill the Dalai Lama when their effort to control the Tibetan Buddhists did not succeed. Through a hard a dangerous journey through the snowcapped mountains, he escaped the attempts on his life and established the Government of Tibet in exile. The Government has established a puppet head in the place of the Dalai Lama and are trying to legitimize him. Somewhat differently, but yet very similar in essence, the powers that be in India have been, over the past decade, trying to wrest control of the Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, and SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam. Many attempts have been made on his life. And through the power of media houses, using hooligans and lynching mobs and the abuse of legal processes, he has been thrown out of the Aadheenam. Unlike the Dalai Lama where the state was the sole aggressor, in the case of Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam many vested interests have ganged up together against him. The state in India functions through the autocratic and abusive body knows as the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments board or HR&CE who works to take over the properties of all Hindu organizations the moment they show traction. Other religions and even the dogmatic groups of the Hindu religion that depend on numbers to keep their political relevance are threatened by the popularity and effectiveness of the teachings and techniques of The SPH. Through threats and litigation, they have gained control over the caretaker of the Madurai Aadheenam and are trying to appoint another Pontiff who would be under their control. This is similar to how the Chinese government is trying to wrest control of appointing the next Dalai Lama from the current one – trying to politicize what is a deeply spiritual process.

Identifying an Incarnation – A Deeply Spiritual Process

Little do they realize that the headship of these ancient, powerful world orders does not happen through democracy or power politics but through a spiritual process that begins many lifetimes before.

The Dalai Lama is considered as the incarnation of Bodhisattva – present on this earth to lead people to enlightenment. The current Dalai Lama is considered as the 16th incarnation in this lineage. The way he was identified was by a panel of people entrusted with this sacred task

At a very young age, he went through a series of tests; specifically, he had to identify from a group of objects presented to him, the items that belonged to the previous Dalai Lama.

In the case of SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, he was appointed as the Pontiff after Paramashiva appeared in a vision to the current pontiff instructing him that The SPH was the next incarnation. But long before that many saints had identified The SPH as the next incarnation of Paramashiva on planet earth. There were many ways to identify him – mainly through his knowledge of temples, deities, and spiritual things which he could not have known unless he brought the knowledge from previous births. Based on these tests, a group of saints – Mata Vibudhananda Puri, Isakki Swamigal, Annamalai Swamigal, and Ram Surat Kumar (who was the previous enlightened master before The SPH in his birthplace), and a yogi by the name Raghupathi Yogi, identified The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam as an Incarnation while he was a child.

SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam as a 3-year-old when he was identified as an incarnation

For example, when The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam was 4 years of age (an age at which he did not know about temples), his early mentor (by the name of Kuppammal or Mata Vibudhananda Puri) showed a temple at the top of a hill named Pavazhakundru and asked Him what is was. He said it is Ardhanaareeshwara (a deity who represents balance of male and female energies) temple even though he was never told before about Ardhanareeshwara before.

At the age of 3, he recited the entire Ramayana (one of the sacred stories about an earlier incarnation). Another test is the ability to recite hymns and verses from the scriptures which he has never heard. The SPH also exhibited the power of “eka santha grahi” –the ability to recited a difficult verse after hearing it only once. He was also able tovisualize and draw “mandalas” or sacred geometries (including 42 complex interlocking triangles) without knowing them in advance. Only if he succeeds in all this – he is identified as an incarnation.

In Hinduism someone is designated as an incarnation or a successor through the act of coronation with a golden crown, and through the act of offering golden footwear called padukas. After the initial panel of saints identified him as an incarnation, many other saintsand Pontiffs coronated The SPH.

Mata Vibudhananda Puri coronated him as an incarnation when he was a child. Later, many other enlightened masters identified him as an Incarnation and officially coronated him.

  • The Pontiff of Thiruchengode Aadheenam coronated The SPH on Apr 14 2001 when he established his own monastery for the very first time.
  • In 2012 the current pontiff of Madurai Aadheenam was instructed in his dream by Paramashiva to coronate The SPH as the 293rd successor in his lineage.
  • In 2013 The SPH was coronated as a Maha Mandaleshwar (spiritual head) of Maha Nirvani Akhada, the oldest apex body of Hinduism.
  • In 2015 The SPH was coronated as the head of Kolada Mutt (monastery) by the current pontiff.

Just like the Dalai Lama – The SPH has become a Guru Maha Sannidhaanam in exile – he is not allowed to enter as the future pontiff.

Just like Dalai Lama, although He has the right to appoint the next Guru Maha Sannidhanam, the government is trying to take that right away from him just like the Chinese government is trying to do with the Dalai Lama.

Just like the Dalai Lama, The SPH is being persecuted by anti-religious forces.

And just like the Dalai Lama, The SPH has continued to serve humanity in an exceptional way, standing up for the downtrodden, helping the needy, and empowering people around the world. He teaches the science of being powerful – the ability to express extraordinary powers. He has taken yoga and meditation to higher and higher levels. He has published over 300 books in 37 languages. He has helped people with life solutions.

Just like the Dalai Lama, The SPH is very much a scientist at heart. He has conducted deep research into mystical phenomenon and uncovered many interested truths about enlightenment and the ability to transmit the enlightenment experience to another.

Protecting the Divine Treasures

It is indisputable that these two stalwarts of humanity and human rights shared a lot in common. One more thing about them is that they are both divine treasures, who need to be protected by the international community. Their contributions to the world are immeasurable, and it is the responsibility of the broader international community to step up and grant them protection for the benefit of the world.