SPH & Dalai Lama

Spiritual Giants of our Times: The Dalai Lama and Guru Maha Sannidhaanam Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam - Parallels Between the Lives of Two Spiritual Giants, Persecuted for their Beliefs, Yet Standing Tall for Humanity Government Authority vs Power of Spiritual Truth...

Leading the Apex Body of Hinduism: Akhadas

If at all an amorphous living group of Sampradayas can be said to have a structure, that structure in Hinduism comes in the form of the Akhadas or Apex bodies of Hinduism. These bodies constitute a loosely knit federal structure that was created by Adi Shankara in the...

Royal History & Lineage

As the world moves increasingly towards the separation of spirituality and culture from politics, political decisions are increasingly becoming inhuman. Any decision made from the space of lack of Oneness will always propagate the problem even further, and not lead to...

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