The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam revives authentic Hindu rituals from VedaAgamas to manifest your dreams into reality. Until we can manifest ouur reality ourselves, we can offer sevas so that Paramashiva will manifest the reality we want in our life. Become a part of the grand sevas offered to your favorite Gods, Meenakshi Sundareshwara.
Meenakshi Pattabhishekam
30 April 2023
– Clarity to deliver beyond expectations in business and relationships.
– Charisma of a pragmatic leader, who involves and evolves the best teams, the best ecosystems, and the best ambiance.
– Blessings to have conscious sovereignty – to be able to put aside all your impossibilities and contribute selflessly to the whole world.

Meenakshi – Sundareshwara Thirukalyanam
02 May 2023
– Receive Meenakshi and Sundareshwaras blessings to;
– Restore your integrity in your marriage, with yourself, and with everyone in your life!
– Propel excellence in your career, business, and relationships to bring higher trust and powerfulness!

Kalyanam Moi – Wedding Gifts!
02 May 2023
– Burn all your karmas by surrendering them at the feet of Meenakshi-Sundareshwara
– Rejuvenate your conscious relationships
– Blessings for Wealth and Prosperity in your life

Renew your Wedding Vows!
Complimentary Seva for Meenakshi Thirukalyanam Participants
02 May 2023
– Blessings of Meenakshi Sundareshwara for your married life.
– Make your marriage as a vehicle for enlightenment
– Upgraded new beginning for your relationship
– Blessed and prosperous married life

Chitthirai Peruvizha
Chitthirai Peruvizha is a brahmotsavam – an utsavam or a festival that is organized the Lord Creator Brahma Himself. Brahma being the creator the cosmos, is said to organized such a festival with universal grandour and celebration.
All temple festivals are ‘Utsavams’ and the most important one is called ‘Brahmotsavam’. The Sanskrit word ‘Utsava’ denotes an act of creation or re-creation. If we study the features of the Brahmotsavam, we will find that more than any other temple festival, the Brahmotsavam would essentially be a festival of re-creation.
Celebrating Meenakshi and Sundareshwara’s advent, glory, and blessings, is that re-creation. As they manifest happened to save to world from misery and delusion.

Sri Meenakshi & Sundareshwara
Meenakshi is the embodiment of perfection and excellenece in all the fileds of life. Meenakshi awakens the leadership Consciousness in us and bestows upon us all the leadership qualities and excellence. Worship of Meenakshi awakens the power of intuition and makes us a perfect strategy planner.
Every year the Cosmos celebrates again and again this grand celestial wedding of Meenakshi and Sundareshwara. We celebrate this grand event in Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalaya.
Decorated as Meenakshi and Sundareshwara, Lord Nithyanandeshwara and Devi Nithyanandeshwari will mount different vahanas (divine vehicles) and bless the world. During this Brahmotsavam the Pattabhishekam – coronation of Meenakshi, Dig Vijayam – Meenakshi establishing Her supremacy in all the worlds and the Meenakshi Tirukkalyanam will be re-enacted. Re-enacting the leelas – Divine plays – of incarnations is a meditation in the Vedic tradition and elevates our consciousness.
The Story of Meenakshi and Sundareshwara
Devi Meenakshi is an reincarnation of Devi Parvati – the consort of Paramashiva who incarnated in the human body as the daughter of the Pandya king Malayadhvaja and his wife Kanchanamala who ruled the Panya Kingdom from Madurai 2000 years ago.
Earlier in the past life of Kanchamala, she had got a boon from Goddess Parvati to mother the latter. Goddess Parvati’s boon came true when king Malayadhvaja and his wife Kanchamamala performed the Putra Kameshti Yaga – the sacred fire ritual to have progeny. During this Yaga, Goddess Parvati emerged out of the sacred fire as a baby. The baby, to the royal couple’s shock, had three breasts. When they worried about that, at once an Ashariri Vak – a heavenly voice – was heard by them. The divine voice comforted them by telling that the baby is a divine girl and her third breast would vanish once the girl meets her fiancé. The gratified royal couple named the baby as Tadadagai – the one who emerged out of fire.
The girl Tadadagai being the heir to the Royal throne was meticulously trained in all the 64 arts explained in the scriptures. She excelled in each and every field inclusive of the martial arts. During auspicious time, Thadadagai’s Pattabhishekam coronation as the queen of the Pandya kingdom. As a queen when She had to prove Her supremacy, power and courage, She travelled in all the ten directions (inclusive of the Swarga and Patala) and very easily defeated and conquered all the worlds. Finally when she advance towards the Kailash, She effortlessly defeated the Bhutaganas – the army of Lord Shiva. She even defeated the chief of Bhutaganas, the Adhikara Nandi Deva – the divine bull vehicle of Lord Shiva – who stopped Her proceeding further. Her conquering of all the worlds is called the Dig Vijayam. This divine play of Her is called the Dig Vijayam.
Tadadagai finally headed towards Lord Shiva – who appeared as Lord Sundareshwara – with an intention to defeat Him and conquer Kailash, The moment She set Her eyes on Lord Sundareshwara, Her third breast got vanished. Unable to fight further, She bowed Her head down out of blush and realized that He was destined to be Her husband. She surrendered and realised that He is the embodiment of Enlightenment. By realizing this, She fell in love with Him and realized that She was an incarnation of Devi Parvati.
With this realization, the union of Shiva and Shakti happened and She expressed the power to enlighten people just by Her look. From then She was known as Meenakshi – the one with eyes like the eyes of fish. It is said that fish hatch their eggs just by looking at their eggs. Meenakshi came along with Lord Sundareshwara to Madurai and an unprecedented grand wedding ceremony was arranged by king Malayadhvaja. Lord Vishnu who is the brother of Devi Meenakshi was supposed to preside the marriage and give away His sister in marriage to Lord Sundareshwara. But Lord Vishnu from Vaikunta could not make it for the marriage. So the incarnation of Vishnu Pavalakkanivai Perumal from the suburbs of Madurai presided over the marriage and gave Her away in marriage to Lord Siva Himself. This marriage was attended by all the celestial beings and became one of the rarest and very important events of the Cosmos. This celestial marriage is called the Meenakshi Tirukkalayanam. Meenakshi Tirukkalyanam is the expression of the highest principle of the union of Shiva and Shakti.
When Lord Vishnu was coming to Madurai, He heard the news that the marriage of Meenakshi and Sundareshwara is over and so He started returning back to Vaikunta. On His way back to Vaikunta, He entered the river Vaigai which flows in the city of Madurai to liberate a frog and bestowed Enlightenment on it.
After their marriage, Meenakshi and Sundareshwara came around the Cosmos in a divine chariot to bless all beings in the Cosmos.
Meenakshi and Sundareshwara ruled the Cosmos from the south Indian city of Madurai for a long time, expressed so many mystical powers by performing miracles and established Dharma – the science of Enlightenment on the planet Earth
Renew Your Wedding Vows!
The wedding between Meenakshi and Sundereshwara is not a normal wedding, but a celestial wedding This wedding is the outer expression of the cosmic union between Paramashiva and Pasamashivashakti – the Divine Masculine Consciousness and the Divine Feminine Consciousness – the union marking the establishing of individual consciousness into Supreme Consciousness, attaining the state of Paramadvaita – Oneness with Paramashiva This wedding literally symbolizes the happening of life – srishti in the cosmos. This celebration, this event of creation and creative expansion out of completion is celebrated by each and every particle of this universe. This wedding is like the big-bang bringing everything to life and celebrate life.
On this special cosmic happening of Meenakshi Thirukalyanam, when the planetary alignment is perfect to re-create the energy of this powerful cosmic union between Paramashiva anal Paramashivashakli in the form of Sundareshwara and Meenakshi, we urge you to not just be spectators or passive participants, but imitate this happening in your own life. Especially if you are married, this is a powerful golden chance for you to rekindle and re-ignile the right context in your marriage, realign with the real purpose af your life and your relationship with your spouse and renew the relationship by re-declaring the wedding vows, recommitting to your partner and infusing this powerful energy into your marriage, infuse new life created during this auspicions ritual of Meenakshi Thirukalyanam when the entire cosmos is supporting you.
This grand cosmic celebration of Meenakshi Thirukalyanam, the wedding ceremony of Devi Meenakshi and Soma Sundareshwara Swami, symbolizes the Oneness experience of Paramadvaita, the experience of Paramashivoham – I am Paramashiva that Devi Meenakshi experienced in the state of deep surrender and love towards Him. This experience of cosmic union is the fruition of intense seeking from many births. This is the very purpose of our lives. In fact every relationship should lead us to this final goal of enlightenment. And when Oneness becomes the contest and the good of the most intimate human relationship of marriage, that marriage becomes a celebration and a path towards our liberation.
Two beings coming together, supporting each other to get liberated from the very dependence on the other body, in fact beyond that, liberating oneself from the very idea that you are a body is divine marriage, Hindu marriage.Seting the right context into your marriage and taking the blessings of Devi Meenakshi and Sundareshwara Paramashiva leads to a prosperous and fulfilling married life as well.
This auspicious muhurta of Meenakshi Thirukalyanam is an opportunity for all of the married couples out there to re-cognize your marriage as that between Meenakshi and Sundareshwara, cognize yourselves as their manifestations and cognize the goal of your marriage as to achieve this Oneness experience within us and re-declare your commitment to your partner with this upgraded contest of achieving complete completion within us with the help of your partner and creating a family that upholds dharma in the society, progeny that is an asset and a blessing for the society, and creating a home which is nothing less than the temple where Devi Meenakshi Paramashivashakti and Sundareshwara Paramashiva themselves reside.
Following are the seven sacred vows that form the backbone of the Hindu wedding:
1 First Vow: “Let us take the first step to provide for our household a nourishing and pure diet, avoiding those foods injurious to healthy living.”
2 Second Vow: “Let us take the second step to develop physical, mental, and spiritual powers.”
3 Third Vow: “Let us take the third step to increase our wealth by righteous means and proper use.”
4 Fourth Vow: “Let us take the fourth step to acquire knowledge, happiness, and harmony by mutual love and trust.”
5 Fifth Vow: “Let us take the fifth step to be blessed with strong, virtuous, and heroic children.”
6 Sixth Vow: “Let us take the sixth step to cultivate self-restraint and longevity.”
7 Seventh Vow: “Let us take the seventh step to be true companions and remain lifelong partners by this wedlock.”
It is time for you to renew your seven sacred wedding vows again to bolt this deeper content into your relationship and give the relationship an upgraded new beginning, a breakthrough.