Significance of Diwali in Kailasa
From the SPH
Diwali, as explained by SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, signifies the ability to see beyond the surface. It goes beyond mere light and symbolizes the awakening of inner vision. By transcending what’s apparent, one achieves enlightenment, symbolized by the Jnana Deepa. Diwali celebrates the profound insight to perceive beyond the visible world.
Anniversary of KAILASA Los Angeles
The KAILASA Los Angeles anniversary marks a spiritual journey that began in 2003. The temple in Montclair (meaning “Arunachala” in Spanish) was inaugurated on Diwali in 2007. Over 13 years, it has witnessed profound spiritual growth, becoming a beacon of enlightenment and a hub for seekers.
The Great Pause
Diwali, a day of celestial significance, commemorates the Great Pause in the Avathara Leela of SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. It occurred nine months post-enlightenment in the year 2000, symbolizing the divine grace of Paramashivashakti manifesting within the physical being of the SPH
Offer Pratyaksha Pada Puja On Diwali
SPECIAL Pratyaksha Pada Puja offered to SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam in Los Angeles KAILASA
Celebrating the Anniversary of the Sacred Spiritual Ecosystem! Witness the spectacle of the Grand alankaram to the majestic deity of Swamiji, who will be gracing in Sarva alankara for the event. Be a part of the grand offering of the Anna Koota a grand offering of the choicest foods, sweets and savories to our beloved Swamiji. Bask in the resonance of the sacred mantras that reverberate our souls, realign every cell of our body into deep devotion at the feet of our Guru.
Unveil Blessings for: (Benefits)
– Joyful Relationships
– Overflowing Prosperity and Abundance
– Profound Spiritual Awakening
Experiences from offering
Pratyaksha Pada Puja
Lu Ann Tung from USA shares how she made money to retire after she asked SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam for a boon during the Pratyaksha Pada Puja offering.
Lu Ann Tung from USA shares how she made money to retire after she asked SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam for a boon during the Pratyaksha Pada Puja offering.
Vishesha Abhishekam Seva
Express Gratitude to the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam for happening in our lives. In this unique ritual we offer sanctified water, symbolizing the continuous shower of devotion and gratitude for His presence in our lives.
Unveil Blessings for: (Benefits)
– Optimal Health
– Grounding of our cognitions towards Enlightenment
– Devotion to see every part of lives as it is enriched by Swamiji
A verse from the Kamikagama show’s the significance of Abhisekam:
panchamrtam panchagavyam kusambu kalasodakam
snapanarthaya kathitha pramaanena prakalpayet
The mixture of five kinds of nectarine fruits , mixture of five substances from the cow, water with kusha grass, water from the kalasha – all these should be prepared to offer the sacred bath to the Lord.
Purva Kamika Agama, Snapana Vidhi , 24 verse
Learn More About KALASA’s Diwali From The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 24 October 2022 where swamiji talks about the grand narrative Of Hinduism.
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 27 October 2019 where swamiji talks about the 5 Dimensions of Universe happening Simultaneously.
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 05 November 2021 where swamiji talks about How Hindus should stand up fro Hinduism.
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 24 October 2022 where swamiji talks about the Manifestation of Adhishakti.
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 14 November 2020 where swamiji Gives a Special messege on the auspicious ocation.
Deepavali Satsang and Blessings From 24 October 2022 where swamiji talks about Significance of caompletion on Deepavali.
Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (“SPH”), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the reviver of KAILASA – the ancient enlightened civilizational nation with a mission to recreate a conscious world where global issues at the climatic, economic, social, health, and humanitarian levels cease to exist at their root.
The SPH was coronated as the 293rd Guru MahaSannidanam of Shyamalapeeta Sarvajnapeetham, an ancient apex body, and as the 203rd Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam (Kingdom).
The SPH has shown remarkable resilience, surviving numerous assassination attempts targeting both person and character, orchestrated by anti-Hindu elements.
Participants of KAILASA’s Deepavali celebrations and the related offerings described above (Program) understand that all blessings, instructions, initiations, teachings and suggestions made as part of any Program described above are purely in a spiritual capacity and are not intended to be any sort of guarantee or definitive statement about the past, present, or the future or any sort of medical advice, physical or mental. Participants understand that in connection with any Program described above, KAILASA’s Nithyananda Hindu University, co-collaborators their teachers, organizers, volunteers, promoters and any representative or agent involved with any or all of the Programs described above do not make any claims, promises, or guarantees about the individual or group outcome of any or all of the Programs or their related services. All events are subject to change. In the event of a change, we will make every effort to contact registered participants. We must reserve the right to make any changes whatsoever in the event owing to any unforeseen or unavoidable cause; or to cancel the event for any reason beyond our control without notice and without being liable to pay any participant compensation for damages or losses.
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