Digital Enlightenment Ecosystem
Enlightenment delivered to your home: An ecosystem created by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam to help you manifest and live the science of enlightenment, no matter where you are

Not inspired in life? Unable to overcome your laziness, boredom and tiredness? E-KAILASA has a solution
If you are inspired to get up early in the morning and do Yoga but your laziness is more powerful in you than your powerful cognitions or inspiration, then we come to you to give proper, customised, spiritual service helping you to complete with your laziness pattern.

Wherever you are, we can help you through our E-Services
Apply for E-Citizenship
We can make you understand
Why your boredom is stronger than your inspiration or powerful cognitions. Sometimes the problem is as simple as too much of gas in the stomach or undigested food in the stomach. What you need is Haritaki powder, Neem juice, castor oil for 2-3 days – you are saved from destroying 8-10 years of your life! We can get you at least 40 % extra life back to you. Per month if you are in the waking state for 100 hours, we can raise it easily into 150 hours, even 200 hours.
Learn understandings about
- Why laziness?
- Why tiredness?
- Why boredom?
- Why you don’t feel like getting up early morning?
This knowledge will be made available in your bedroom without you even having to move out of your couch, FREE OF COST!
Our services are a window into the vast, rich world of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. E-KAILASA brings you the omnitude of authentic Hinduism, powered by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam
Guided Meditations & Spiritual Support
Learn the groundbreaking Unluctching® meditation technique and receive direct spiritual support

Initiation into Power Manifestation
Get initiated into the ancient Hindu science of Third Eye Awakening and manifest super-human powers
असज्जनः सज्जनसङ्गिसङ्गात्करोति दुःसाध्यमपीह साध्यम् ।
पुष्पाश्रयाच्छंभुशिरोऽधिरूढा पिपीलिका चुम्बति चन्द्रबिम्बम् ॥
Asajjanaḥ sajjanasaṅgisaṅgātkaroti duḥsādhyamapīha sādhyam Puṣpāśrayācchaṃbhuśiro’dhirūḍhā pipīlikā cumbati candrabimbam
Like how the ant which just by sitting on a flower climbs and adorns the head of paramashiva and also touches the moon on paramashiva’s head, even a malignous man, by being in the company of the satsanga, makes even the impossible as possible in this world.
The power of Sat-Sangha can raise you to KAILASA directly.
Always having spiritual frends is the best way to get enlightened. Spiritual friends are the best support. Sangha makes you enlightened – Guru, Linga and Sangha.
Guru is HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam – always there; Linga is given to you – Atmalinga, and Sangha is there.
Receive the KAILASA E-Passport
The KAILASA E-Passport which is free of cost provides you all these services: free library, gurukul, completion sessions, guided meditation process, vakyartha sadas. Organized for all zones and countries worldwide, available via 2-way video conferencing.
This whole science coming customised to you, free of cost, is E-KAILASA!
“This ecosystem, what it is contributing to you is million dollar worth!
I sincerely encourage all the Sanghas all over the world to start the E-Ecosystems. Morning Brahma Muhurta, wake up and give wake up call to everyone in your zone. Because it is digital, you don’t have to be dependent on anything else. Gather in zoom call and start yoga!
Always having spiritual frends is the best way to get enlightened. Spiritual friends are the best support. That is why I insist on Sangha. Sangha makes you enlightened. Guru, Linga and Sangha: Guru is Swamiji, always there; Linga is given to you – Atmalinga, and Sangha is there.
I want more and more e- ecosystems to get formed. Not only l do, click photographs and upload. When you upload, you encourage others to join in your timezone.
I want Hyderabad, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Tiruvannamalai, Bidadi to start this. Start the E-Ecosystem.”
Ready to be an E-KAILASIAN?
We need to cater this enlightenment science to the whole world wherever they are! Every human being should be given this science of enlightenment. Enlightenment is the birthright of all human beings. KAILASA is responsible to provide that to all human beings.