Your Gifts from Today are Here!
We truly hope you had an extra ordinary day at Paramashivoham Level 3.
Claim additional Gifts from the day below, to reinforce and share the day’s experiences!

Instant Tools For Blissful Living offers a collection of powerful techniques to help people live more blissful lives.
The SPH shows that everyone has the potential to experience true happiness and fulfillment and that these tools can help people to achieve their full potential.
Kundalini Awakening: The Miracle and The Science
This book by the SPH explores the concept of Kundalini, a latent energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine.
The book discusses the science of kundalini, its history, and its potential benefits. SPH also offers personal insights into his own experiences with kundalini awakening!

In this audiobook, the SPH says, in Real Surrender you don’t exclude anything but you include everything. You experience the Whole and explode in all directions.

In this audiobook, the SPH says. Enlightenment and Surrender are not two different things, the moment we achieve total surrender enlightenment happens.
Bhagavān Somaskanda
The Lord of Victory
Subramanya is completion of Paramashiva,in all His glory, in all His powers, in all His auspiciousness, in all His qualities, in all His compassion

Meditate on Subramanya Yantra
Ishvaratva means power of leading, power of ruling, power of being a head. Ishvaratva is one of the eight important powers
Awaken Ishvaratva by meditating on Subramanya Yantra!

Guided Meditation: Awaken the Idagala, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis
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Trusting the Pati – Beyond the senses, Listen to the 5-part series.
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