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The book “Why Intensity?” by the SPH is a short but powerful exploration of the importance of intensity in spiritual practice. 

“There are three qualities absolutely essential for anyone on the spiritual path. These are: one – intensity, two – intensity , three – intensity!”

Tapas is a Sanskrit word that means “heat” or “intensity.” In the context of Hinduism, tapas refers to any activity that is undertaken with the intention of purifying the mind, body, and spirit.

“Why Tapas” is a comprehensive and inspiring guide to this ancient spiritual practice.

Download the Sahasrara Dhyan Meditation booklet

A guide to opening the Sahasrara with step-by-step instructions and illustrations to take you through the Meditation process.

Download Now!

Meditate on the Forms of Paramashiva: Gangadhara Murthy and Ganga Visarjana Murthy and Awaken Will Persistence!

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A powerful mantra to awaken our innate intelligence and wisdom!

Download Gayatri Mantra with Instructions!

“The Power of Consciousness” by SPH Nithyananda is a discourse on the nature of consciousness and its power to manifest reality

In this ground-breaking discourse from the Bhagavad Gita series, the SPH delivers the Key to become successful in all endeavors

Reinforce and Imbibe powerful cognitions, Truths and understandings from today’s sessions

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