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Guru removes the mental blocks and obstacles in the way of our awareness and realization of our true Self.
Guru opens the disciple’s eyes to the existence of God. The Master is the doorway to one’s own experience of the Divine.
Shaktinipada: The Science of Entanglement
The word ‘entanglement’ is the closest to describe the occurrence of Shaktipada or Shaktinipada.
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Meditate on the form of Dakshinamurthy
Beneath the Banyan tree the disciples sit, old men, the Guru a mere, Youth! The Guru speaks through Silence alone, But lo! The disciples’ questions dissolve!

Download the Dakshinamurthy mantra audio as your Ring tone and let the mantra keep ringing!

Download this Exclusive discourse taken from the Brahma Sutras series delivered by the SPH
In this audio, learn about the Sanctity, Power and Experience of Sitting with the Master

Most misused natural resource – Your Inner Space
The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam explains the inherent power of Inner Space and how to use it to Manifest your Reality!
The SPH says, Guru-Disciple relationship, everything starts there, everything ends there, but relationship itself never ends.
The relationship with the master, who is one with Existence, is deeper than any other relationship, it is a being level connection.
Get the short anthology from various scriptures on the essence of Guru Disciple relationship!