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Meditation Technique for Intensity:
In this clip taken from discourse titled ” Experience the life energy in you”, The SPH gives a technique to raise the intensity without creating conflict inside or outside.
The SPH says this technique will create a healthy heightened emotional awareness which will rest into heightened spiritual consciousness.

Be Unclutched Vol 1 & 2:
The essence of the SPH’s teachings through the modern-day mahavakya (great truth)- “Be Unclutched®”.
Unravel the truths about the makeup of the mind and how we are clutching and creating joy or suffering.
Presented in 2 volumes this audio book is a must-listen!

Thathaiya Thathaiya!
A Song that originates in Eternal Bliss, when listened to, leads you to the space of Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda, instantly!
Sung personally by the SPH, this is a favorite of millions!
Do not miss this Exclusive Song!
Glimpses: Siddha Tradition
Extraordinary Discoveries of the Siddha Tradition!
Siddha Tradition is one of the oldest, most powerful, and most secret traditions
Get rare Insights from the SPH!
Glimpses: Science of Divya Sharira
Secrets for Astral Travel!
If your Divya Śarīra develops more and more with the less input from the external world, you will be more alive, joyful, excited, inspired, radiating.
Find out how to develop Divya Śarīra
Glimpses: Science of Shivoham
The Ultimate Truth Through Science of Sound & Lines
Shivoham! This truth is not only a reality, it can be a powerful medicine, antidote for all the root-patterns you develop, parental conditionings you develop, societal conditionings you develop, and all the patterns with which you struggle, suffer.