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Meditate and Change your Inner Software:
Experience the Power of Meditation, with this guided process from the SPH!
Q&A on Internal Wandering
Download this rare audio now!
Glimpses: Genesis of Identity
Ever wondered how you created your Identity?
Find out the building blocks of who you are, with this powerful Glimpse into the genesis of your identity
Glimpses: Experience Nithyatva
Through this course the SPH leads us into how we can experience every relationship from that same oneness and Completion
- Recognize your true self in the parallel universe
- Three ways to achieve the space of eternity
- Power of having matured conversation
Glimpses: Reclaim your Life through Completion
Completion is literally you reclaiming you into your life. Continuously your inner space is occupied with the root-patterns and, in course of time, you even forget that your inner space is not in your control. Through this guided workbook you will learn:
- How to change the future by removing impact of the past
- Find your root pattern – the root of your sufferings
- Completion-direct Technique from Paramaśiva
Glimpses: Kaala Tattva
The idea you have about time, is responsible for certain chemicals to be released in your body. If you understand the fourth unit of time, a unique special chemical released inside your body, that is called Amrita.
Kala Tattva - principle of time: once internalized, you just become Kālatita
Glimpses: Concept of Time is an Illusion
Time can be perceived in two ways – chronological time and psychological time.
All are aware of chronological time; it is what you see on your clock, and is measured in seconds, minutes, days, etc.
We have a psychological concept of time, which is measured by kshana, or the gap between one thought and another.