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The book is based on The SPH’s own experiences of death and rebirth, as well as His teachings on the subject.
Beyond Life & Death is a book that can help us to understand our own immortality, and to prepare for what comes after death.
This book explores the nature of Enlightenment, and how to achieve it.
The Door to Enlightenment is a practical guide to achieving enlightenment with exercises and meditation techniques that can help us to progress on our journey.

Control Life and Death with Prana
In this captivating audiobook excerpt from the discourse titled ‘Death De-Mystified,’ The SPH imparts the wisdom that by comprehending the essential truths about Prana, we gain the
ability to navigate life and death effortlessly

Glimpses: Mahar Loka
More and more peace inside you, more and more past memories will be awakened.
More and more peace inside you, more and more akashic records will be opened.
More and more peace inside you, more and more Mahar loka will open.
Mahar Loka – Largest Loka of the Universe

Glimpses: Science of Jeeva Samadhi
If you can produce all the 9 catalyst agents in your body, you are a Siddha who can sit in Jeeva Samādhi means your body can be buried but you will be alive forever.
Through this course the SPH Nithyānanda Paramashivam shares the eternal secret – Human beings should not die.

Glimpses: Akashic Records
Akashic Records are the cosmic archives of everything happened, happening, will happen.

Glimpses: Bhagavan Kalabhairava
Bhagavan Kālabhairavā is one of the most powerful expressions of Paramaśiva. He is the energy on which all the memories are stored.
Bhagavān Mahā Kālabhairavā - Can Just Make Any Incompletion Irrelevant!

Glimpses: Death, From Cosmic Archives
Kalabhairava gives you eternal life when you decide to be life positive