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We truly hope you had an extra ordinary day at Paramashivoham!

We have more gifts from the SPH that you can download, and share too!


Nithyananda Yoga is based on the principles of Hinduism’s most ancient scriptures, the Agamas, delivered directly by Paramashiva.

The book explains how Nithyananda Yoga can help you to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual transformation.

“You Can Heal: Nithya Spiritual Healing” is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide to Nithya Spiritual Healing, a powerful, scientifically proven, time-tested technique of healing through cosmic energy

Detox Plan For Kayakalpa – the timeless technique for anti-aging and rejuvenation.

Remove toxins that prevent you from having a healthful body!

EnKriya for Kundalini Awakening and Health – Powerful Process formulated by the SPH

Easy Step-By-Step Instructions!

Pocket Book from the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, to know and understand your Body – a Samyama technique for Health and Healing

Meditate on the Forms of Paramashiva, Receive Auspicious Darshan and Blessings for Health and Longevity

SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramahivam reveals the powerful Prana technique to Have Power over Death

Download this Audio book now, and Unclutch your Way to Health

Apply techniques, processes and powerful cognitions from today’s sessions!

Have a refresher and a deep-dive into awakening your Wealth Consciousness!