Physical Health Recoveries

Eating Disorders
100% of participants recorded total recovery from eating disorders

Chronic Fatigue
100% of participants recorded total recovery from chronic fatigue

Rheumatoid Arthritis
92% of participants
showed marked total recovery from rheumatoid arthritis

78% of participants showed marked recovery from osteo-arthritis

79% of participants showed marked recovery from asthma

Chronic Headaches
71% of participants showed marked recovery from chronic headaches
Mental Health Recoveries

97% of participants reported total recovery from depression

Freedom from Phobias
89% of participants reported complete freedom from phobias

Anger and Frustration
82% of participants reported complete freedom from anger and frustration

Recovery from Insomnia
88% of participants showed marked recovery from insomnia

Panic Attack & Insecurity
76% of participants reported recovery from panic attacks & freedom from insecurity

Mental Focus & Freedom from Mood Swing
73% of participants reported an increase in mental focus & freedom from mood swings
Lifestyle Transformations

Better Eating Habit
93% of participants reported better eating habits at the end of the program

Freedom From Smoking
86% of participants have decided to stop smoking at the end of the program

Freedom From Drinking
84% of participants have decided to stop drinking at the end of the program

Substance Abuse
86% of participants have decided to stop using addictive substances at the end of the program

Increase in Cellular Energy
100% of participants recorded a drastic increase in energy level, averaging 1300%

Mental Focus & Freedom from Mood Swing
73% of participants reported an increase in mental focus & freedom from mood swings
Course Highlights
Manifest Your Reality
13th June
- Power Demo
- Avatar Shastra
- Introduction to MPSM
- Science of Power Manifestation
- Chidambara – Power of Inner Space
- Bhagavān Gajamukha Murthy + Sampragnata Samādhi
- Kalpataru
- Introduction to Chakra
Experience Formless in the Form
14th June
- Genesis of Identity
- Reclaim Life Through Completion
- Asampragnata Samādhi
- Happening of the Lingodbhava
- Paratva Conscious Supremacy and Conscious Sovereignty
- The Universe – Big Bang, V Hole, Black Hole, Grey Hole, WHOLE – Part 1
- The Universe – Big Bang, V Hole, Black Hole, Grey Hole, WHOLE – Part 2
- Jyotisha- Vedic Astrology
- Surya Siddhanta
The Biology of Enlightenment: Discovering Your Divine Potential
15th June
- Salokya Samādhi
- Four Tattvas Make You Sadāśiva
- Bhagavan Sadashiva Murthy – Pancha Kritya of Paramaśiva
- Number Universe
- Sadashiva Rahasya
- Sadāśiva Tattva – How to Make Sadāśiva In You
- Vertical Time Zone – Time Zones of the 14 Loka – Other Worlds
- 25 States of Consciousness
- 11 Dimensions
Awakening the brain grooves to grasp the higher dimensions of life
16th June
- Svarupa Samadhi
- Sthavaram Janganam Vyaptam
- Conscious Elasticity
- Rewiring the Brain
- 11+ Methodologies To Develop Subtle Brain Grooves
- Use Brain to Reflect The Cosmos
- Super Powers Through Super Brain
- Access the Second Dimension – Frequency Universe
- Your Brain Can Access Different Dimensions of the Universe
Awaken Wealth Consciousness
17th June
- Vaikunta Loka and Devotion
- Wealth as per Hinduism
- Completing restricting Wealth Patterns
- Completion with Jealousy and Comparison
- Awakening Wealth Consciousness With Thought Currents of Swarnakarshana Bhairava and Dhanakarshana Bhairava
- Guru's Grace is the ultimate wealth
- Techniques for Wealth Manifestation
- Luxury of Simplicity
Breathe beauty and grace into the body
18th June
- Saayujya Samādhi
- Arogya Spurana – Health As Per Ayurveda
- Science of Kayakalpa
- Science of Spiritual Healing
- Freedom to Design Your Body
- Science of Anti Aging
- What is Yoga?
- Detoxification – Part 1 [food and body]
- Detoxification – Part 2 [Toxins]
True Love and fulfilling relationships is your birthright
19th June
- Sameepya Samādhi (Nearness With Paramaśiva )
- Relationships – Patterns or Possibilities
- Completion with Others+ Maheśwara Pūja + Astra Travel
- Completion with Mother
- True Love and Fulfilling Relationships
- Art of Negotiation [Oneness in relationships]
- Love is a Power+Anahata Chakra Meditation
- Living Advaita
- Vedic marriage session
Course Highlights
The Most Anti-Sex Practice!
2oth June
- Savikalpa Samādhi
- Awaken Ultimate Gender - Ardhanareeshwara - Through Tantra
- Gender Identity
- Sex, Gender and Muladhara Chakra
- 56 Akshara Matrika Dīkṣā
- Science of Gotra
- 11 Genders
- Gender Equality – Past, Present & Future
- Vedic Feminism
Paramashiva’s love
21st June
- Sahaja Samādhi – Perpetual Completion
- Experience Nithyatva – Eternity
- Past Life Regression
- Conflicting Desires, Chakras Introduction
- Paramashanta Svarupa – Non Violence
- Mahar Loka – Largest Loka of the Universe With Access to All
- Knowledge of the Cosmos
- Concept of Time Is An Illusion
- Kaala Tattva – Beyond The Three Units of Time
- Collapsing Time Through Consciousness
Going Beyond Death - Science of Immortality
22nd June
- Bhagavān Kālabhairava - Principle of Kaala of the Vertical Time Zones
- Death + Unconscious = Fear Stroke, Nervous Breakdown
- Swadhistana Chakra – Fearless Living
- Overcome Fear of Death + Death Meditation
- Vishesha Dīkṣā – Initiation into Science of Power Manifestation
- Death – From Cosmic Archives
- Akashic Records – Key To Your Future
- Science of Jeeva Samādhi
- Dheerah: Courage, Moving the Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial Out & having The Vision For Your Future
Feeling Connection with Guru - Ultimate Cosmic Gift
23rd June
- Jana Loka
- Bhagavān Dakshinamurthy
- Guru - Ananda Spurana of Paramaśiva - Shukra, Brahaspati
- Śakti - God Particle – Unit of Paramaśiva
- Nithyanandoham – Science of Awakening The God Particle Through Silence
- Guru Disciple Relationship
- Guru Tattva – The Principle That Makes You Realize You Are God
- Sarvajnatva – All knowing
- Om – The Cosmic Sound
Science of Divya Sarira - Navakhanda yoga Samādhi
24th June
- Ferociousness is definitive guide to super conscious breakthrough
- Nirvikalpa Samādhi
- Science of Unclutching
- Navakhanda Yoga Samādhi - Subtle Science of Space Travel
- Logy of Intra Organs – Chakras
- Shivoham Process
- Extraordinary Discoveries of the Siddha Tradition
- Science of Divya Sarira – Secrets for Astra Travel
- Integrity – honoring every word you utter to you and others
- Māya Tattva - Nature of Perception
Karma - the math of Macrocosm!
25th June
- Swarga Loka
- Law of Karma
- Guruvak – Medicine For Greatest Wound
- Digestion, Karma, Kayakalpa, Immortality
- Power of Living – Enriching
- Decide to Break Your Karma Pattern
- Power of Sat Bhasha, Using Right Great Words, Talk to yourself – get enriched
- Sanyas
- Realize the Source Code Software – Karma, Karma And Dharma
Live Enlightenment by performing Comic Dance
26th June
- Tapo Loka
- Nataraja
- Two Parts of DNA
- Living enlightenment part 1
- Living enlightenment part 2
- Use Mahavakya To Connect Chit and Jada For Ultimate Super conscious Mutation
- Pancha Bhootas
- Akasha Tattva part 1
- Akasha Tattva part 2
Course Highlights
Easiest path to Enlightenment
27th June
- Satya Loka
- Happening of Ganga
- Retain Self Driving Inspiration as Your Hridaya Guhya Thahara Vidya
- Experience Svarupa Ananda - Sahasrara Chakra Explodes in Super consciousness
- Life is Super Determinism Neither Free Will Nor Pre-Destined
- Will Persistence and Will Arrogance
- Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati
- Physics of Guru Disciple Relationship
- Tapas
Beyond Pain and Suffering
28th June
- Sripuram
- Soft Suffering is A Boon
- You are beyond suffering
- Secret of Maya and Suffering
- Paramashivanandam
- Liberate yourself from obsessive, compulsive reactionary pattern
- Do Not Do Unto Others That Which Would Cause You Pain If Done To You
- Pain Drains Your Brain
- Drop quantity, quality centric life and become consciously sovereign
Secrets to master Power Manifestation
29th June
- Leadership Consciousness
- I and Mine
- Third Eye
- Workings of the mind
- Workings of the body
- Why me vs Wow me
- Celebrate Surrender – Worm Becoming Butterfly
- Power Manifestation - The Royal Way to Integrity & Oneness
- Circuitry for Power Manifestation
Devotion opens your Kundalini to Cosmic Kundalini.
30th June
- Being in Samādhi Space
- You cannot be violated / Don’t Terrorize yourself
- Power, Greed, and Freedom
- Right Attitude of Prayer – Sohamasmi
- Parama Advaita
- Maya Matrix [Break Free From Delusion]
- Agitational Gratification or Delayed Gratification
- Bhakti the ultimate Ecstasy
- Paramadvaita Through Shat Darshana
Super Determinism
01st July
- Understand 36 Tattvas to Experience Power of Samādhi
- Sattva Tattva – Reality Dimension of the Universe
- Atma Tattva: Unit of Self
- Vidya Tattvā –Essence of the Purpose of The Whole Universe
- Rasa Siddha From Siddha Science of Acupuncture To Awaken Kundalini Shakti
- Sadāśiva Tattva – How to Make Sadāśiva as Part of You?
- Thathata- Is Ness - Ultimate Revelation From Space of Paramaśiva
- You Are Alive is The Only Reality
Shiva Tattva
You are born to conquer Life! Liberate yourself from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
02nd July
- Enter Samādhi With Ishwaratva
- Subramanya - Lord of Victory
- Manifest Bhagavān Subramanya Invincibility – Ajayatva
- Simple Integrity, Simple Attachment, Simple Obedience
- Conquering Life!
- Kundalini: Awaken The Inner Potential Energy
- Work for Excellence not success
- Surrender
- Multidimensional Activity
Radiate MahaParamashivoham in your life!
03rd July
- Ananta Kalyana Gunas of Paramaśiva + collective integrity
- Guru Purnima
- Creating the Right Ecosystem
- Guru Bhakti + Karna Dhyana Nyaya
- Sangha Sankalpa Process
- Glimpses of MahaParamashivoham
- How Master Will Behave