The direct, ultimate authority on the Truth as it is, for it is directly from Paramashiva, the Adiguru, the Source of all that is.
त्रिपुरवधार्थमहं निमीलिताक्षोऽभवम् ।
तेभ्यो जलबिन्दवो भूमौ पतितास्ते रुद्राक्षा जाताः ।
सर्वानुग्रहार्थाय तेषां नामोच्चारणमात्रेण
दशगोप्रदानफलं दर्शनस्पर्शनाभ्यां द्विगुणं
फलमत ऊर्ध्वं वक्तुं न शक्नोमि ।
tripuravadhārthamahaṃ nimīlitākṣo’bhavam ।
tebhyo jalabindavo bhūmau patitāste rudrākṣā jātāḥ ।
sarvānugrahārthāya teṣāṃ nāmoccāraṇamātreṇa
daśagopradānaphalaṃ darśanasparśanābhyāṃ dviguṇaṃ
phalamata ūrdhvaṃ vaktuṃ na śaknomi ।
I closed my eyes for the sake of destroying the Tripura Asuras. From My eyes thus closed, drops of water fell on the earth. These drops of tears turned into Rudrakshas. By the mere utterance of the name of Rudraksha, one acquires the enriching benefit of giving ten cows in charity. By seeing and touching it, one attains double that benefit. I am unable to praise it any more.
Rudraksha Jabala Upanishads, Verse 1
Experiences & results of Āptas or Authorities of Hinduism, the Vedic Rishis and scientists who time tested & verified the science.
वर्णैस्तु तत्फलं धार्यं भुक्तिमुक्तिफलेप्सुभिः |
शिवभक्तैर्विशेषेण शिवयोः प्रीतये सदा || १३ ||
रुद्रा क्षधारणं प्रोक्तं पापनाशनहेतवे |
तस्माच्च धारणी यो वै सर्वार्थसाधनो ध्रुवम् || १९ ||
भक्तिश्रद्धा युतश्चैव सर्वकामार्थसिद्धये |
रुद्रा क्षान्धारयेन्मंत्रैर्देवनालस्य वर्जितः || ८२ ||
शिवस्यातिप्रियौ ज्ञेयौ भस्मरुद्रा क्षधारिणौ |
तद्धारणप्रभावद्धि भुक्तिर्मुक्तिर्न संशयः || ८९ ||
varṇaistu tatphalaṃ dhāryaṃ bhuktimuktiphalepsubhiḥ |
śivabhaktairviśeṣeṇa śivayoḥ prītaye sadā || 13 ||
rudrā kṣadhāraṇaṃ proktaṃ pāpanāśanahetave |
tasmācca dhāraṇī yo vai sarvārthasādhano dhruvam || 19 ||
bhaktiśraddhā yutaścaiva sarvakāmārthasiddhaye |
rudrā kṣāndhārayenmaṃtrairdevanālasya varjitaḥ || 82 ||
śivasyātipriyau jñeyau bhasmarudrā kṣadhāriṇau |
taddhāraṇaprabhāvaddhi bhuktirmuktirna saṃśayaḥ || 89 ||
The people desirous of the worldly pleasures as well as the salvation, should wear Rudrdksa according to their Varnas. The devotees of Siva, particularly, in order to please Siva and Parvati, should wear Rudraksha.(13) Rudraksa has been prescribed for the removal of sins. Therefore one should wear this Rudraksa which fulfills all the desires. O Goddess, a person having a great devotion and faith, for the achievement of all the desired objects, getting freed from laziness, should wear Rudraksa(82). The one who always applies the holy ashes and also wears Rudrdksa rosary, he becomes dear to lord Siva. With the influence of wearing the same, one achieves worldly pleasure and salvation.(89)
Shiva Mahapurana,Section 1 – Vidyeśvara-saṃhitā, Chapter 25 – The greatness of Rudrākṣa, Verse – 13, 19, 82, 89
An account of The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, the ultimate poorna Avatar personal experience of Rudraksha.
My gurus put glittering jewels along with the rudraksha and I straight away picked the rudraksha! I will tell you this one incident, only then you will understand the concept of God as deity:
My guru Kuppammal (Mata Vibhudananda Puri) was having the whole guru parampara deity – given from Arunagiri Yogishwara’s time. When Isakki Swami was about to leave the body, he was not able to do puja everyday, so he handed it over to Kuppammal and she was doing puja for it everyday. One day she asked me to clean the deity. I cleaned all the rudraksha and kept everything separate. She came and asked where everything was – the Rudraksha and other jewels on the deity.
I said, “I cleaned everything and kept it aside.”
She said, “Our ancestors gave this to us. So we don’t know whether the deity is god decorated with rudraksha or the rudraksha is god put on a stand called deity so we should never do this game of separation! as they gave it, put it together, tie it and keep it and do puja!”
Presidential Address by The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, November 12, 2005
Pratyaksha Pramāṇa or empirical evidence from observation and scientific experimentation.
Rudraksha beads have been reported for their therapeutic potential against several disorders like stress, anxiety, depression, palpitation, nerve pain, epilepsy, migraine, lack of concentration, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and liver diseases Jain et al. (2014).
It has also been mentioned that the specificity in their therapeutic properties differs based upon the type of grooves or Mukhis Shah et al. (2010); Tripathi et al. (2016-a); Dadhich et al. (2014); Sharma et al. (2015); Tilak et al. (2017); Jain et al. (2014); Tripathi et al. (2016-b).
Electromagnetic properties in Rudrakshahave been reported by several reviewers Joshi et al. (2014); Jain et al. (2014); Arivu et al. (2017); Hardainiyan et al. (2015),where Rudraksha was mentioned as a famous electromagnetic bead helpful in curing several chronic disorders. Tripathy et al. (2016- b)stated the healing mechanism of Rudraksha due to its electromagnetic property. The study reported that the electromagnetic properties of Rudrakshabeads activate body’s energy wheel, which in turn influences the bioelectrical properties of human body and heals various chronic diseases like blood pressure, heart rate, diabetes, gynaecological problem, neurological disorders, mental problem, insomnia and rheumatism.
Pb. Univ. Res. J (Sci.) Vol. 68, 2018, pp 1-6
Rudraksha: The Energy Beads
The most sacred beads with Paramashiva’s energy…
Rudraksha is Paramashivas’ tears of compassion. The mere utterance of this sacred word Rudraksha is said to create sacred sentiments and vibrations touching our soul and bringing a person closer to Paramashiva. Empower yourself with Rudraksha, the true bio-jewellery which is one of the most sacred manifestations of Paramashiva.

_The Origin Of Rudraksha_
Omnipresent Lord Siva continued gazing towards the demon Tripural for his annihilation for the thousands of years without blinking the eyelids.
Tears started dropping from both the eyes and fell on the ground which produced the great Rudraksa trees. The drop of tears transformed into the tree out of mercy for the devotees.
_Why To Wear Rudraksha?_
One who wears Rudraksa with pearl, coral, crystal, silver, lapis lazuli (cat’s eye), gold, undoubtedly attains the nature of Rudra.
If one wears only Rudräksa alone, the essence of all gems, without combining it with any precious stones such as pearls etc. sin is unable to touch him as the darkness can never come before the sun.
Rudraksha: Beads that heal, bless & Energize
Rudrakshas come in 1 to 21 mukhis (faces), but Rudrakshas of 1 to 14 mukhis are commonly found.
Paramashiva unveils various details in on usage and Its benefits In Hindu Scriptures.
One faced Rudraksha
One faced Rudrāksa (containing one line) is considered to be the transcendental Reality Itself (Absolute or Para-Brahman).
Two faced Rudraksha
The Rudraksha bead with two faces is of the inner-embodiment of Ardhanarishvara and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Ardhanarishvara (Shiva united with Shakti)
Three faced Rudraksha
The Rudraksha bead with three faces is of the form of the three fires and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Agni. He fulfill the desires of the person who puts it on
Four faced Rudraksha
Rudraksha with four faces represents Siva himself. With the mere sight of it, it bestows the four aims of life (dharma, artha, kama, and moksha).
Five faced Rudraksha
The Rudraksha with five faces is of the form and nature of Pancha Brahma, the five-faced Sadashiva, and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Pancha Brahma
Six Faced Rudraksha
The Rudraksha with six faces is of the form of the six-faced Kartikeya or Ganesha and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of wealth and health, clear intellect and wisdom, and purification.
Learn More About Rudraksha

Paramashiva tears of Compassion
Omnipresent Lord Siva continued gazing towards the demon Tripural for his annihilation for the thousands of years without blinking the eyelids…

Significance of Rudraksha in SPH's life
My gurus put glittering jewels along with the rudraksha and I straight away picked the rudraksha! I will tell you this one incident only then you will understand…

Benefits & Procedure of Wearing Rudraksha
Great virtues are bestowed upon the devotee who wears the Rudraksha respectfully. sin is unable to touch him as the darkness can never come before the sun.
How Can You Receive Rudraksha?

Shiva Dīkṣā
Receive Rudraksha kantha Mala
Shiva dīkṣā, the preliminary level dīkṣā, is the sacred initiation into the state of Paramashivoham, which is manifesting and radiating all the powers of Paramashiva.During this initiation, you are given rudraksha kantha mala.
Hindu Compliant Standards on Rudraksha jewelry
Paramashiva unveils the best kinds of personal jewelry specific to each person, based on Individual quality (guna) and the reality they want to manifest in their life. Hinduism gives you the freedom to play with your uniqueness, while giving you the best.
Frequently Asked Questions and Resources
Do you have a questions related to wearing Rudraksha? See the list below for our most frequently
asked questions. If your question is not listed here, then please contact us.
How many Rudraksha should be Worn?
- One should hold one Rudraksa on the knot of the crown of the head, thirty on the head, thirty two on the neck and sixteen on each of the arms.
- Twelve Rudraksas should be put on the wrist, five hundred on the shoulders. The garland of Rudraksa for the recitation of mantras should consist of one hundred and eight
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Is there any guidelines on wearing Rudraksha?
Yes, Hindu scriptures gives detail on this. Here are few:
- Three, five or seven lines of garlands of Rudrāksas should be worn by uttering Pañcabrahma hymn- and Şadanga hymn or all the Rudrāksas may be put on by the original hymn i.e. five syllable (namah sivaya)
- Learned devotee should hold the Rudraksa on the head by reciting ISäna hymn, on the neck by Tatpuruşa hymn and on the arms by Aghora hymn; a garland consisting of fifty beads should be put on the belly by reciting Vyomvyäpi hymn.
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Can I wear rudraksha with other gems stone or semi precious stone?
- One who wears Rudraksa with pearl, coral, crystal, silver, lapis lazuli (cat’s eye), gold, undoubtedly attains the nature of Rudra (43).
- If one wears only Rudräksa alone, the essence of all gems, without combining it with any precious stones such as pearls etc. sin is unable to touch him as the darkness can never come before the sun (44).
Source: Chandrajnana Agama
Is there any guidance on quality of Rudraksha to be worn?
- Rudrākṣa of the size of embolic myrobalan is considered to be the best.
- The learned people consider Rudrākṣa of the size of the fruit of jujube is of medium quality and the size of a horse grain is of lower quality, O Brhaspati! know it for certain.
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What are the benefits of wearing Rudraksha as per Hindu Scriptures?
- The result of a glimpse of Rudraksa is million times more than the effect of donating a cow with the calf to a learned brahmin who observes the tenets of scriptures.
- A touch of Rudraksa produces billion times more results and wearing of Rudraksa is hundred billion times virtuous to the man.
- Devotees who recite mantras wearing the Rudraksas, are regarded as endowed with hundreds of millions times and thousands of million times virtues.
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Is there any specific guidance on wearing different faced rudraksha?
Yes, There are specific instructions on wearing rudraksha of different face.
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