Who is Bhagavan Venkateshwara?

Sri Ananda Venkateshwara is a compassionate incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu, who showers tremendous love on His devotees

Venkateshwara heals and blesses relationships to become more joyful and prosperous. He is ‘Sri-nivasa’ the one who has “Sri” Devi Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, within His heart. He is pleased when his devotees enrich and serve others.

He is the embodiment of unconditional love, and showers abundance of wealth and happiness on those who live in service of others.

Significance of Vaikunta ekadashi

the opening of Paramapadam

Vaikuntha Ekadashi marks the opening of the ‘Swarga Vaasal’ or the gateway to Paramapadam, where Lord Maha Vishnu-Sriman Narayana resides.

On this day, devotees have the opportunity to attain the highest liberation.

Ekadashi, occurring on the 11th day of each lunar phase, is the day Lord Maha Vishnu opens the gates of Vaikuntha.

Why should you worship Bhagavan vishnu today

hEvery being in every corner of the cosmos on this  day is celebrating Maha-Vishnu Parandhama on this  auspicious thithi of Moksha Ekadasi, or Vaikunta Ekadashi.

You can experience Him as a reality powerfully on this day, as it is the day He opens the gates of His highest abode – Vaikuntha!

experience Bhagavan vishnu by offering pujas in kailasa’s temples

You can ascend to to realm on this day by offering your devotion and gratitude with the various offerings made to His Archavatharas (deities) in KAILASAs temples.

Make your offering to Parandhama and experience His Power and Compassion!

experience the space of Manifestation


Vaikunta Ekadashi is the day that the ‘Swarga Vaasal’ or ‘The gate to Paramapadam, where Parandhama, Maha Vishnu-Sriman Narayana resides, opens for all of the devotees to achieve the highest liberation!

On Vaikunta Ekadashi, in Vishnu temples, the gate to Paramapada is opened. Anyone who enters the Swarga Vaasal on this day is guaranteed to attain the spiritual abode of Parandhama.

In the Vaikunta’s around the world at the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthanams, Sri Ananda Venkateshwara Swami will enter the Swarga Vaasal and will grace us and accept all of our devotion and worship, and bestow Moksham, the highest liberation to all of us.

Move Yourself to a New Level of Conscious Wealth Manifestation. Join us for this Extraordinary Darshan 04:30 Am IST Onwards!


Haridra (Turmeric) Tulabharam

In Hinduism, Tulabharam is the sacred practice of offering items equal in weight to the deity or guru. Offerings, ranging from flowers to gold, express intense gratitude, inviting blessings.

Turmeric, a vital herbal powder, symbolizes sound health in rituals like Sri Venkateshwara Swami’s abhishekam, embodying divine presence and well-being.

The Benefits of Offering Tulabaram Include

  • Blessings for optimal health for all members of one’s family.
  • Blessings for divine grace and beauty in one’s body.
  • Blessings for transcending, all minor skin illnesses and issues.
  • Blessings of Mahalakshmi for unending wealth and abundance.

Sudarshana Mahayagam

Sudarshana is considered a deity and a devoted follower of Mahavishnu. Immersed in deep devotion and oneness, Sudarshana holds 10 weapons and safeguards Mahavishnu’s temples and devotees, protecting against inner enmity and outer enemies.

We seek Sudarshana’s protection and blessings with the offering of the Sudarshana Homa, to earn Punya and ensure a secure and protected future.

The Benefits of Offering Sudarshana Mahayagam Include

  • Blessings for Protection against the negative forces that move us away from a life of devotion and gratitude.
  • Blessings to revitalize our lives with Bhakti – Devotion, as the source of our energy and strength.
  • Blessings to remove enmity within us that prevents us from understanding our true resilience and making difference in our lives and others.

Venkateshwara Swami Tirumanjana Seva

The Mula Virat deity of Sri Ananda Venkateshwara Swami receives Tirumanjana Seva, the elaborate sacred bath.The Tirumanjana seva is the offering the sacred bath of Turmeric paste and milk onto the deity of Venkateshwara Swami.

The Benefits of Offering Thirumanjana Seva Include

  • Blessings to eliminate debt and financial problems.
  • Blessings of Mahalakshmi who is the in-dweller of Mahavishnu, for gaining life positive opportunities for revenue and network.
  • Blessings of Mahalakshmi who is the in-dweller of Mahavishnu, to bring completion amongst of near and dear ones.
  • Auspicious blessings of Venkateshwara to have continuous inflow of wealth.

Ratnangi Seva

Experience divine blessings with the jeweled armor worn by Sri Ananda Venkateshwara on Vaikunta Ekadashi. Sparkling with devotion, it bestows joy, prosperity, academic and career excellence, unparalleled richness, unblemished happiness, and unending health for a truly blessed life.

Tirupavada Seva

Experience divine grace with Tirupavada Seva as Ananda Venkateshwara Swami’s three eyes, radiating nourishment like millions of suns, are adorned with panchakarpura urdhva pundram. His gaze energizes the Pulihora offerings, ensuring extraordinary blessings in simple attire, revealing His Netra Darshan.

Thomala and Tulasi Mala Seva

Embrace divine blessings through Thomalai, the flower garland enveloping Sri Ananda Venkateshwara Swami. Strung with his favorite tulasi leaves, it grants a strong connection, inner peace, positive thoughts, healing from low self-image and suicidal thoughts, and tremendous bhakti for a blessed life.

108 Laddu Naivedya Seva

Savor the sweetness of Laddu, a cherished offering to Ananda Venkateshwara. Crafted with traditional and refreshing ingredients, Laddu Seva brings healing to digestive issues, safeguards against processed food-induced ailments, nurtures happy relationships, fosters powerful health cognitions, and bestows blessings for a long, joyous life.

Paramapada Vasal Alankaram

Receive divine blessings through the grand decoration of Vaikuntha Dwaram, the sacred threshold to Maha Vishnu’s inner sanctum. Attain eternal oneness, the Abode of Vaikuntham, and enjoy the perpetual protection of Venkateshwara Swami for wealth and health manifestation.

Venkateshwara Swami Archana

Partake in Venkateshwara Archana to invoke the divine qualities of Sri Ananda Venkateshwara. Chanting “ananta kalyana gunas” during this ritual signifies dropping our identity and seeking Bhagavan Venkateshwara’s manifestation of health, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and Paramashivatva through us.

Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam
His Divine Holiness
Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of KAILASA – the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. HDH is an Avatar from, and is a Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. HDH has made science of power manifestation, yoga and temple based universities for humanity. SOVEREIGN ORDER OF KAILASA led by HDH and NITHYANANDA ORDER of monks, nuns and Hindu diaspora are working for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity.
NITHYANANDA HINDU UNIVERSITY (World’s largest) with extended campuses in 150 countries is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts and sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu. HDH is the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidanam of Shyamalapeeta Sarvajnapeetham (ancient apex body of Hinduism) and present Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi Samrajyam. HDH has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and character by anti-hindu elements.