Announcing Doctorate programs from
KAILASA’s Nithyananda Hindu University
Start on a path of learning from bachelor’s to doctoral to post doctoral levels. Choose fascinating subjects and delve into understanding how the universe began and continues to grow.
Your academic adventure will bring personal growth and a chance to shape our understanding of the world.

Message from the SPH
“Purpose of My incarnation is to get the attention of scientists to study the non material super conscious happenings, which is not perceived usually by the five senses.
It is time we take these Cosmic principles from Veda Āgamic Constitution and enrich the whole world.
It is not just removing the extreme poverty. It’s not just stopping the deforestation. It’s not just protecting animal rights – let’s be the real change”
A Wide Range of Courses
Choose from a wide range of research topics
Within the realm of Hinduism, an array of captivating fields awaits your exploration. Choose your path and embark on a journey towards a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, each offering a unique opportunity to fathom the mysteries of our universe’s origin and expansion
Hindu Cosmology
Exploring Deeper Truths on how and why the Universe was created, and why the expansion is accelerating.
Fundamental Forces of the Cosmos
Energy can be created, manifested, transformed, interchanged, maintained, destroyed, withdrawn. For creation you don’t need any raw material.
Health as per Ayurveda
Research on the nature of Disease as the adjustment of the five elements in the microcosm
Power of Consciousness
Consciousness is an alternate solution for fossil fuels! Consciousness happening in the macro-cosmic level is Paramaśiva. Paramaśiva is real, is consciousness. This is the fifth force

Research on the SPH’s discourses
Now, you can choose any of the ground breaking discourses from the SPH – the 36 tattvas, Anti-Matter, Synesthetes, Multi-dimensional logic, Black Holes, the sacred secrets of the Cosmos – anything available in Hinduism, for your thesis and research!
Spiritual and Social Benefits
Gain tangible advantages from academia for the spiritual education you’ve received at any of the KAILASA’s Hindu University campuses worldwide

KAILASA’s Nithyananda Hindu University and the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyananda Paramashivam announce the greatest Hindu revival – revival of post graduation degree programs including Diploma, Doctoral and Post Doctoral programs.
How can I get a degree?
Sign up to join any of the diploma, doctoral and post doctoral programs now.
I have attended programs at one of the campuses. What can I apply for?
You may qualify for a degree if you have gone through spiritual training, or have attended programs at any of the campuses worldwide. Contact us for more information
What academic areas can I get a degree?
Sanatana Hindu Dharma can add so much to the society to make the best civilization. It can add so much to the field of science, medicine, ethical business, politics, to the field of arts, Sanatana Hindu Dharma has so much to contribute,
Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha: the purpose of Human Existence is so elaborately presented in Hindu traditions with such vast scriptures.
Announcing Scholarships!
KAILASA’s Nithyananda Hindu University now offers scholarships for qualified applicants. Find out if you are eligible!
Premium Courses
Research Topics Include Anti-matter, matter, 36 Tattvas – Unit Principles of the Cosmos, Fundamental Forces of the Cosmos, Energy can be created, Alternate for natural and fossil fuels and more
Ready to get started?
An array of captivating fields awaits your exploration.
Choose your path and embark on a journey towards a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, each offering a unique opportunity to fathom the mysteries of our universe’s origin and expansion.