Since 2000, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Jagatguru MahaSannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, has worked tirelessly to revive the great science of Yoga, researching over a million authentic Hindu scriptural references on Yoga, and formulating the most authentic Yoga system – Nithyananda Yoga, directly from the source.

Yoga is a time-tested, fool-proof system, unveiled to humanity by Paramahiva Himself some 60,000 years ago, a complete system that anyone can practice, in order to acquire the best physique and physiology required to manifest the state and powers of Paramashiva Himself.

Competition Categories and Asanas

The Nithyananda Yoga, International Yoga Day Competition is divided into three different categories. Participants will submit their video link via the sign-up form by the 19th of June, 2023.

Participants will select any 2 of the 4 Category Asanas provided below for the video submission. Please note that each Asana will need to be held for a minimum of 20 seconds.

Category A (Male /Female) : Beginners


Nataraja Asana



Baddhakekki Asana

Category B (Male/Female): Intermediate


Maccandra Asana

Parsva Mayurasana



Category C (Male/Female): Advanced




Viparita Karani 2

Supta Konasana