Nithyananda Yoga: Authentic Yoga Directly from Paramashiva

For most Yogis around the world, Enlightened Master Patanjali is the Father of Yoga. He presented to the world a system called Ashtanga Yoga, comprising of 8 dimensions of Yoga, some 3,000 years ago, which is the foundation for most Yoga practices throughout the world today. Little do we know, however, that Yoga was in fact first revealed in great detail over 60,000 years before Patanjali. Unfortunately, many Yoga Gurus all over the world stop at Patanjali, not digging deeper to find the original source and intention behind the science of Yoga.

3 Sacred Truths about Yoga

In order to catch a deeper understanding of Yoga, the reader must first understand the following 3 sacred truths about Yoga:

      1. Yoga is from Paramashiva – Yoga did not originate from Patanjali. Patanjali is the “organizer” not the “originator”. Yoga was first revealed to the world by Paramashiva within the Agamas
      2. Yoga is from Hinduism – Yoga cannot be developed or separated from Hinduism. It is a perfect system that was revealed by Paramashiva as a complete science, with a clear purpose and intention. You cannot develop on Paramashiva; Altering Yoga is a dilution, not a development.
      3. Yoga is the Science of radiating Enlightenment – Yoga is not just a practice of keeping you healthy, it goes much beyond, it is the science of manifesting powers and radiating Enlightenment.

Throughout Hindu history, after the revelation of Yoga, great yogis and Sadhus practised Yoga to acquire the best physique and physiology to manifest the state and powers of Paramashiva.  Ultimately, Yoga is for awakening the Kundalini Shakti, awakening the inner powers and merging the individual consciousness with the Cosmic Consciousness. Aghoris, Sadhus and Sannyasis alike, have always exemplified these yogic powers, and demonstrated incredible feats such as materialization, remote viewing, blindfold reading, and much, much more. THIS is authentic Yoga!

A perfect, complete science from Paramashiva

Yoga is a perfect, complete science revealed by Paramashiva Himself who has taken into account all different body types of the past, present and future. As such, it cannot be improved upon. The secular world has diluted this great science for the sake of modernization and commercialization, but understand, if you’ve practised something in the name of Yoga, you should always ask your instructor for the clear reference. Where did this technique come from?

The Revival of Authentic Yoga

Nithyananda Yoga is the revival of THE original Shashtanga Yoga, revealed and gifted to the world by the living Avatar and Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, exactly as per the original intention of Paramashiva, not as mere physical exercise, but as a clear path to manifest yogic powers, and ultimately, Enlightenment.

It emphasises the importance of breath control, meditation, and asanas to achieve self-awareness and inner peace. Shashtanga, from Sanskrit, means ‘six-limbs’ referring to the six aspects of yoga that are emphasised in the Yoga practice:

  1. Yama: The ethical principles and codes of conduct that guide our actions in the world.
  2. Niyama: The personal practices and disciplines that help us cultivate self-awareness and inner peace.
  3. Asana: The physical postures that are designed to strengthen the body and improve flexibility.
  4. Pranayama: The breath control exercises that help us regulate our breathing and improve our overall health.
  5. Pratyahara: The practice of withdrawing our senses from external distractions and focusing our attention inward.
  6. Dharana: The concentration techniques that help us focus our mind and achieve a state of meditation.

Nithyananda Yoga – Divine Initiation onto the path of Enlightenment

Nithyananda Yoga, however, is not just the practice of Yoga, it is the “initiation” into Yoga by a Living Avatar of Paramashiva! As the embodiment of Paramashiva – the Cosmic Superconsciousness, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam has the capacity to infuse Cosmic Energy into everybody and raise them up to His frequency, through the process of Shaktinipada, entangling their consciousness with His, from the context of Oneness.

The practice of Nithyananda Yoga effectively prepares the body to sustain the energy of the initiation of the Master, resulting in a perfect, healthy yogic body radiating Shaktis, the powers, grace and glory of Paramashiva. While ordinary Yogic paths require years and sometimes even lifetimes of effort, this unique path has the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam Himself initiating and awakening the highest possibilities within us. With this, we are able to effortlessly align ourselves from the context or Oneness with Paramashiva, where all possibilities and yogic powers or Shaktis simply manifest.

Every Nithyananda Yoga technique is foolproof, time-tested, powerful, ancient, and is designed and developed from the space of superconsciousness. Every technique is provided for us to tune all aspects of ourselves – the nervous system, muscle memory and our consciousness itself, to the highest frequency of Paramashiva, in order to evolve us into a new, superconscious species – into Divine Beings!